Chapter 9

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In the pathway leading to the Monastery, Sitri and Monica are on their way back to Garreg Moch. They are riding on horseback, since if they were spotted riding in Military Vehicles. Then many questions will be asked and Sitri does not have time for that, especially if it comes from the likes of Seteth or Catherine.

All she wants to do is take a nap or go back to Arcadia and visit her favorite bar. She really needs a beer due to the amount of stress she has been getting just being in this Monastery, and no, Jaune is not a cause of this.

Monica: So what exactly am I suppose to say to the guards once we arrive in Garreg Mach?

Monica looks to Sitri who is wearing the uniform she usually wears in the Monastery.

Sitri: What I said before, that the soldiers you saw intercepted us when I was rescuing you, and that they don't mean no harm. Their main focus was eliminating all the bandits and securing the castle. We need to say that they are looking for something and we don't know what.

Monica: And are you certain they will believe our story?

Sitri: They will, count on it.

The two reached the entrance of the Monastery and were met with the Gatekeeper.

Sitri: Harold. Inform the Doting Brother that I have arrived and I bring them someone of grave importance.

The Gatekeeper, who's name is Harold, nods and heads off to the Monastery. After a few minutes of waiting, Sitri and Monica arrived in the Audience Chamber, where they were met with Rhea and Seteth.

Seteth: Ah, I see you've returned from your mission, and who is this woman with you?

Monica: I am Monica von Ochs, I am the eldest child of Baron Ochs, and one of Lady Edelgard's most loyal subjects.

Sitri: 'Jaune is going to complain that Monica is another Hubert'

Monica: I was a student of Garreg Moch Monastery and on the verge of graduation when I was kidnapped by the strangest of people.

Seteth: I see. Reaper, what was the report of your mission? How did you come across her?

Sitri: When I was dispatching the last of the Bandits in the Fortress. I came across their basement area and found her imprisoned there. I was able to save her but dealt with enemy reinforcements.

Monica: But there was something strange that happened as well.

Seteth: And what is that?

Sitri: The unknown faction were in the Fortress as well. But they weren't our enemies, they too had the same task as me. To destory any remnant's of the Iron King's Thieves.

Rhea: And they weren't hostile to you at all?

Monica: Indeed, their Magic and weapons are far more advanced than anything I have ever seen. When one of my captors appeared and summoned a Demonic Beast. These masked men sent some kind of flying metal dragon to kill it, and it did so with ease.

Sitri: The kind of power they have at their disposal is devastating. They took out the Bandits easily and weren't a threat to them at all.

Seteth: I see, then we need to stay on guard in case these people ever set foot in the Monastery.

Sitri: Lady Rhea, we have another issue we wish to discuss and it involves the people who kidnapped Monica.

Rhea: Explain.

Sitri: When we arrived in the Fortress, not everyone dressed like a common rogue. Once I rescued Monica, numerous Mages tried to stop me from getting her out. Then there's Kronya, by the way she looked, she didn't dress like a common bandit.

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