Who do you work for?

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10 years ago ~

"Dad, you know that grandpa isn't feeling 77u?" "Yes love, but he's going to be fine, he's strong, just like you. You know, when my grandpa was in the same situation, I also thought that he'd not make it, but my dad always told me, to be strong for both of us, okay?", my dad says smiling.

"Honey, I'm back!", mom says all excited. (They are in the type of relationship you should have one day Ali) Yeah, yeah Addy. She can be too much sometimes.

The office~

"Who do you work for Alex?!", my dad asks sternly, as he explains how he came into this unexplained world. "You know, being taught about our world at a young age was more dangerous and exciting at the same time. Why, you may ask? Well, the danger came in since I was how taught to shoot and kill the enemy and it was exciting since self-defence was a big flex in my time. Anyway, it's late, tomorrow you have school and mom and I have work, so off to bed darling.", he says, ending our story time. "Buonanotte papà.", I say. "Buonanotte piccola mia.", he replies.

The present~

"Dominique I'm fine okay? I just need space, we just buried my family, so give me a day, just one day to rest and I'll be all yours right after, for now, I don't want to hear about school." "Sorry love, all I said was that I got your homework and Janel took videos of the lessons in class. Now can I get you any ice cream and then we can watch a series on the couch? How does that sound?", he asks with hope in his eyes. I smile back at him and nod yes. (Girl, he's trying to make you feel better.) I know Addy, but I just need this day off and then I'll be fine.

I get up to the guest room were I stay and change into something comfy.

Us at Netflix and chill~

"Dom, Dom, you're asleep." "No, I'm not!", he says quickly. "Yes, you were." After saying that he gets up, takes one of the pillows on the couch and throws it at me playfully. "How's that for sleepy?", he asks. "Oh, you wanna play games, you're in for a treat!", I smirk slyly.

Let's just say I won,...okay he won and now I'm straddling his lap, with my arms around his neck and head on his chest. "It's good to see you smile again.", he says. I lift my head and look at him saying, "Yeah, thank you though. Dominique,...I like you, like a lot and I think it might be cause I'm overwhelmed, but-" He doesn't let me finish the sentence and pulls me in for a kiss.

I don't know how long we kissed, but when we pulled away, we smiled at each other and put our foreheads against each other. "And I love you, I always have and always will.", he says and we kiss slowly and passionately, like a harpist's fingers flowing over the strings. Nothing was rushed, we took our time.

1 week later~

"Welcome back to school girl, I missed you, spill the tea.", Nellie says. "What tea?" "Don't act dumb, you and Dominique Morrone came in one car and kissed in the car. *gasp* Did you guys fuck?", she asks with a smile plastered on. "Wait, wait, no! What's wrong with you? We just made out everyday, for the past week." (More like sucked each other's faces off.) Addison, shut the fuck up!

'Should I order some takeout for lunch?', Dom texted. 'Yes please, that would be the best, see you in the two last classes. Bye babe.' I reply.

We're back home, since I'm the new owner of the Rossi house, I pay the bills and have responsibility over everything. My grandpa is still alive and helps here and there with paperwork regarding the rule of the empire. I am now the next to rule, but only once I'm 20 yrs of age. Grandpa has been so helpful with introducing me to everyone that will work for me once I get to rule.

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