Chapter 7

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"Why can't we know who is on that list?" William said breaking the silence.
"I will show you once we narrow down the suspects," Alex said.

"Wait i forgot something huge!" Nicole said. Alex stared at her waiting for her to continue. "I have this necklace from the crime scene," she continued. "Only a few people in our grade have this exact necklace," she said while showing the necklace.
"If you just said that a little earlier," William said. "Well we can narrow down suspects now," Alex said.

"So the only suspects left are Y/n, Alex, Sam and Melody," Alex continued. Everybody stared at you and Alex.


"Dude," William started.
"Don't even William." Nicole said.
"Well i'm sure it's probably Melody or Sam," Chelsea said. "I hope so," William said. "Let's meet up tommorow because i have to think this through," Alex said. Everybody just silently left the basement.

                       ~~~~next day~~~~

"See you later mom!" you yelled. She didn't reply. You were going to the store to buy some candy and soda.

Walking through the door you saw your favorite candy. You also grabbed some Coca Cola. You realised you forgot your wallet. Damn it.
You had to put everything in place and you awkardly walked out with nothing.

But then you started thinking abou-

Sorry for the short chapter but i promise the next one will be longer

Who do you think is the killer?


A t𝗋𝖺𝗂𝗍𝗈𝗋 𝖺𝗆𝗈𝗇𝗀 𝗎𝗌Where stories live. Discover now