Chapter 6

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The group of friends sat in William's basement, their faces grim as they tried to process the information that Alex had just revealed. The three kids who had been killed were all family. It left them all feeling uneasy.

You were the first to speak. "That could help, but there are still a lot of people who could be suspects," you said.

Alex looked thoughtful. "Maybe we should try to find out more about the family. If we can figure out who had a motive to kill them, we might be able to narrow down our suspects."

Nicole spoke up. "But we can't just go around asking people questions. That's going to look suspicious."

Chelsea had an idea. "What if we split up and each of us takes on a different task? That way, we can cover more ground without raising suspicion,"

The group agreed that this was a good plan. They divided up the tasks, with Alex and William interviewing Sarah's parents, you and Nicole checking out the pictures and trying to find more information about the kids, and Chelsea looking into any potential suspects.

          ~~~~two days later~~~~

Once again, we were all in William's basement.

"Okay, so as you all know, we all had to do a task," Alex started. "Of course we do. You literally had us do this because you can't get over the fact your crush is dead," William said. Nobody said anything, being tired of Will at this point. "Anyways, Nicole and Y/N, did you find anything?" Alex asked.  "We found out that Sarah and her cousins bullied a few people in our grade," Nicole said. "Okay, well, me and William got told that by Sarah's parents, but they actually told us who they bullied," Alex said. "Of course you had a crush on a bully," William mumbled. "And what about you, Chelsea? Did you find any people who could be suspects?" Alex asked.  "I made a list, but I think you should just read it for yourself instead of saying it out loud with the rest," she replied. She walked forward with a folded piece of paper. Why can't we know? Who is on that list?

Alex looked shocked as he read the list and Chelsea quickly went back to her seat.

~~~~End of chapter~~~~


This is the second chapter that nobody got cut off 💅💅

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