
71 3 0

Once again I'm alone,
staring at the ceiling,
wondering if I'll ever be understood,
the answer? Oh I don't know,
they all leave when things get complicated.

Sometimes I wonder if it's my fault,
maybe I open up too much,
they may feel used,
but then why,
why do they get mad if I don't vent? Why,
just tell me a reason,
a reason why they act like this.

And then,
there is that tiny voice in my head,
it screams,
it tells me to shut the hell up,
because no one cares,is it right?
I can't tell,
I was sure that they would care,
but why do they act like this now?
I'm hurt by their act,
I feel lonely in this world.

Maybe that's what I deserve,
to be alone,
I've always been,
maybe it's just the fate.

I'll always be the grey cloud
on a clear sky,
the sun on the darkest night,
the crow between thousands of withe doves,
a black sheep in a group of withe ones.

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