My Marauders.

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My Marauders
have a special place in my heart.
My Moony,
is the moon
when nights are too dark
and he is also like a parent I've never had.
My Padfoot,
is always there to protect me,
even though we are not that close anymore.
My Regulus,
is the brightest star
in the sky,
I could watch him for hours,
he taught me how to love
and be loved.
My Severus,
is always ready to make me laugh
even in the middle of the night,
he would stay up with me.
My Barty,
has a heart as big as the Pacific Ocean
and when emotions take control
he is always ready to suggest me songs
to calm down.
My Evan and my Peter
are my suns,
always there to make my day better
and light me up
whenever I need it.
My Dorcas
has the purest soul
and she is always calm,
or quite.
My Molly
is everything to me,
they're just my sibling,
we don't share the same blood,
but they're the best I could ask for.

My Marauders feel like home,
I won't let anyone
ever hurt them,
not now,
not never.
They are my smile.
The reason why I go on.

My Marauders,
are life.

I love my Marauders,
I couldn't ask for better friends in my life.

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