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Tira hugged herself , eyes fixed at the never ending sky of jeju

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Tira hugged herself , eyes fixed at the never ending sky of jeju. The scenery spreading across her vision is just simply mesmerizing.

The mountains of jeju , are covered with a light coat of snow. The trees are so tall , as if they are touching the sky. The warm sun of winter , kisses tira's pale skin , fill her insides with calmness and hope.

Hope that everything does gets better , when we chose to love our life.

And maybe , tira finally decided to step on the first step - of making her life Better. She's ready to let go of her past , ready to move on from everything which is holding her back from living.

From smiling and laughing without forcing. From hanging out with her friends, without making them worried for her. From every girls sleepover , from every girls fun time.

From everything she loves.

A small yet genuine smile stretched across her lips.

Tira inhaled a deep breath in , taking in the calmness of her surrounding.

The chirping of birds , the breeze , the sunrays , the greenery... Everything is making tira feel happy right now. It's been ages since she went on a trip which she has one hundred and one percent needed .

On the other hand , tira's friends more like her sisters are on the verge of tearing up. Both , gargi and ivy are staring at tira with huge smiles and teary eyes. They are extremely happy for her.

Maybe the idea of coming here was not really bad??


"I feel so happy..." Ivy admitted. Her voice cracked due to the sob she's holding in for a while now. "She's our tira right? She won't go back on being depressed right?" Ivy asked gargi .

"Yesss , she won't go back there...." Gargi replied , wiping the corner of her eyes.

Will it really be alright???

That's it? Tira is happy again??

You guys might think why these two are being this dramatic. Well seeing your angel like friend getting heartbroken over some ... Boy. is definitely not easy.

But there is nothing more pleasant than seeing your Depressed friend collecting their shits and fighting for themselves , to gain themselves back . The feeling is priceless.

"They are so happy.." Jimin commented , while looking at the two girls adoring their best friend. Turning his head left , towards the boy leaning on a tree beside him - Jung kook - Jimin continued "... To see tira moving on from that key chain incident"

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