It's Cold

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(Y/n) POV

With the wind howling openly against the waters, I stayed outside while everyone else went in to hide from these tundra temperatures. Sanji had tried 5 times to get me inside, but there was an aura within those walls that spoke of nothing nice. I was unwelcomed by all accept; Luffy, Sanji, Brook Chopper, and Usopp. Everyone else was skeptical.

It's been 4 months since I've been on this ship, we've gone on 2 adventures, well.. 3 if you include sailing across the oceans.

Luffy called for me to come inside a few times, but I ignored it all, and decided to stay in my own bubble.

After an hour, Zoro walked outside and sat next to me on the edge of the boat. I faced the waters, while he faced the deck. "Listen... We may have been a little harsh on you. We were just being cautious of you because of your past, but in all honesty, you should come inside. Sanji made hot chocolate, and some crepes. We understand your intentions now. We've welcomed you already." He spoke

"I don't need to be accepted into your group.. You don't have to pretend to like be because your captain says I'm a good person." I said giving him a cold glare.

"I realized it for myself. It has nothing to do with the captain." Zoro spoke sternly

"Oh yeah... What made you change your mind?" I asked curiously

"Our last fight.. You took the sea prism bullet for Luffy so he could still fight.. If you were against us, you would've just let it happen, and turned on us the second the Marines started opening fire." He said as he looked at me with such meaningful glisten in his eyes. 'He respected me... How strange.' I thought to myself

"I'd risk my life for the captain I serve, whether that be Law, or Luffy." I said calmly

"When you see your original captain what are you gonna do?" He asked

"I don't know.. But, I do know that I like it here. I may not be accepted by all, but I'm doing what I can to have a good time.. Even if right now I'm out of commission." I said calmly as I touched my side lightly, which was bandaged by Chopper.

"It's not that I never trusted you.. I was just hesitant. All the things Robin said started to make me believe you really were a spy... I don't usually listen to her.. I listen to my gut; however, when it comes to the safety of my captain, I take anything I can get." Zoro said proving that he was just as strong willed as he was in build.


My one word made the deck fall silent as a harsh gust of blistering winds whipped by, giving my cheeks a rosy tint. "Let's get you inside." He said

"No thanks." I said calmly

"Are you always this stubborn?" He asked getting a little annoyed

His words struck a memory..

'Why can't you accept the fact that you can't survive on your own, yet?' Law's voice hummed in my memories, sending goosebumps down my skin. It may sound harsh, but it was meaningful... He was worried. 'Is Zoro also worried?' I thought to myself

"Why do you care?" I asked

"Don't make me carry you." He growled

I sighed, watching my warm breath turn into condensation. "Do it.." I stated as I looked him dead in the eyes "No balls." I added

"What?" He growled with anger, his aura changed which made me start giggling at how he reacted.

"I was only kidding. It means, 'you won't.' I'm not saying I've deemed as a women, I'm just saying you won't carry me inside." I said trying to explain myself, which only seemed to make him calm down a bit. He sighed then picked me up, he nearly threw me over his shoulder, but he stopped himself after remembering that I was injured.

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