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Relentless attacks on all ends by the Marines seemed endless. I sent Bepo and Penguin on one ship, Jean Bart, and (y/n) on another, Ikkaku and Shachi on another, and teamed the rest of my crew in groups of twos. All but myself.

(Y/n) didn't need the extra help, I knew she could fight on her own, but it was more or less to control her outbursts and keep her sane. She would snap if she were already hostile and saw blood. It was some sort of trauma response.

Those Marines caused more harm than good.

Suddenly there was a loud explosion after I defeated 2 ships. Looking over I saw a huge wave coming this way as fire engulfed the ship that Jean Bart and (y/n) were on. When I got over to the submarine, I saw that Jean Bart was in shock, yet safe. "Where's (y/n)?" I asked

"On board." He said

"What!? (Y/n), get out of there!!!" I ordered as I saw a bunch of Marines fly off the sides of the ship. There was lots of clashing, clanging and slashing within the heavy flames of fire.

"You'd risk your life for pirates!?" I heard some man yell.

'No.. That's not just some man. That's... That's (y/n)'s father... (D/n)'

"I would!" She growled

"No daughter of mine willingly defends pirates!!!" (D/n) stated sternly as everyone else on the crew made it.

"(Y/n)!!!!" I yelled as the wave got closer. 'This wave will take everyone out!' I thought to myself as I heard a slash.

"Captain, we gotta go!" Ikkaku said

"Wait--" I tried then used reasoning. 'If we don't go now, we all die.' I thought to myself. I quickly turned, hating myself for leaving, but I was left with no choice. We went under the water as the wave peaked and dropped over us, sinking all Marine ships.

"She has a devil fruit!!" Penguin yelled as he ran to the windows to look for her

"She'll die!!!!" Shachi exclaimed as he followed

I was in shock. I was distraught at the choice that was just made, but I knew I couldn't risk everyone just for one person.

"She's not here!" Penguin said with worry lacing over every word spoken as if he were to cry. Shachi was jumping slightly as he waited for her presence to be known after the bubbles disappeared.

All that was left was the broken boards of ships, and the bodies of those that weren't breached. "What if she's inside one of the ships!?" Shachi suggested

"We have to wait until everything clears up." Ikkaku said

"She'll die if she's down there too long!!" Penguin exclaimed

"Oh god... I can't believe she didn't listen to the captain.." Jean Bart said as guilt washed over him.

"It was your job to make sure she didn't lose control.." Uni said

"You're passing blame on me!?" Jean growled

"You were the only one with her. Who else would it be besides you?" Uni asked

"She told me to get off the ship!!!" Jean yelled

"And why would you do that, unless you were planning to ditch her?" Uni blamed "We all know she wasn't your favourite person." He added

"Enough." I stated as I walked to the window

"We'll check now." I stated sternly

"Yes, captain!" They agreed. We soon started to surface and everyone got their scuba gear on to dive into the deep blue ocean.

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