Chapter 6: New Blood

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Chapter 6: New Blood

"It will have blood, they say. Blood will have blood."

William Shakespeare

Antigone got on her mark, her eyes focused solely on her opponent and his sword. Sword-fighting was Erastos's department, but Antigone still did well with a sword. She just had to stay focused on her goal.

She waited for M.K. to make the first move, but he didn't, and for awhile, it seemed as if they were simply dancing around each other, moving slowly in a circle. She paid close attention to his eyes. They were as bloodshot as before, but much more lively now. Eventually, the corner of his mouth quirked up into a playful smile.

"Well?" he asked. "Are we dancin' or fightin', princess? Take your pick."

She smirked. "Your move."

His lips stretched out into a wide grin. "Ladies first."

Normally, Antigone would not agree with that, but this time, she decided to take advantage of tradition.

She cracked her knuckles. "You asked for it."

In just a few seconds, she was swinging, not her sword, but her fist. She normally relied on her hand-to-hand combat and Martial Arts skills if she did not have her daggers and only used weapons when she needed them.

She went for M.K.'s face first, but he blocked her easily with a chopping hand and kicked her in the stomach. The kick was not forceful enough to hurt her, but it was enough to cause her to stumble backwards.

She regained her balance quickly and met his eyes. She caught a hint of a smile on his face.

"You telegraphed your punch," he said. "Don't let me see it coming."

She gave a determined huff and sheathed her sword, which she decided that she didn't need anymore. Immediately after, she saw his eyes wander apprehensively to Minerva, but Antigone was too pumped up to care about anything except her opponent.

When M.K. finally met Antigone's eyes again, he also did away with his sword, tossing it to the floor at Minerva's feet several feet away.

This seemed to upset Minerva. "Excuse me," she said sternly. "I provided you both with swords for a reason."

M.K. turned his head to face Minerva again and Antigone was certain that she saw a look of pure fear in his eyes. Fear of what? Of whom?

Minerva? Was he afraid of Minerva?

Why would M.K. be afraid of Minerva?

M.K. looked at Antigone again. He smiled slightly, but there was an emotion in his tired eyes that she could not pinpoint.


Was he worried? About what?

Before she had time to even try to answer any of her own questions, M.K. lunged at her. She ducked in the nick of time, springing up at the same time that she swung her fist directly at his face.


She hit him.

He stumbled back, regaining his balance as he wiped his nose with the back of his hand. He looked at his hand, examining the thin stream of blood that had come from his nose, as if he was anticipating something. Slowly, he looked up at her.

She smirked, raising her eyebrows in a cocky manner. "Did ya see that comin'? Princess?"

He watched her closely, with observant and calculating eyes. Then, he smiled at her. It was a smug smile, but she could tell that he was genuinely amused. Excited even.

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