Chapter 4: Butterflies, Lead the Way

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Chapter 4: Butterflies, Lead the Way

"I am a butterfly drunk with life. I don't know where to soar, but I won't allow life to clip my beautiful wings."

- Janusz Korczak

No one made a sound. Not a single move.

Antigone did not draw her daggers. She was trying to avoid a fight, but her army was prepared for one.

"You're a Butterfly," she said, cautiously, to the girl before her.

"Yes," the girl responded, her eyes dark with suspicion. "Who are you?"

"My name is Antigone," Antigone replied, keeping her tone as light and non-threatening as possible. "I'm the Baron of Phoenix territory. I've done business with the Widow before." She expected a response somewhere along the lines of "But you're just a little girl" or "Ha! A Baron? You?", but they did not seem disgusted, nor did they taunt her. They seemed just as suspicious as before.

The Butterfly narrowed her eyes. "She's never mentioned you before," she said.

"Well, I'm sure that the Widow does business with a lot of people," Antigone reasoned.

More Butterflies crept into view to surround the Firebirds, all wearing blue skirt-like uniforms.

Both sides were equal now.

"Turn around and leave," demanded another Butterfly, a girl with short black hair and bangs. She seemed very confident and held herself high, a smirk tugging at her lips.

Erastos was very nervous now. He leaned in to whisper to Antigone, "I told you that this was a bad idea."

"Don't be so jittery," Antigone whispered. "I've got this." She cleared her throat and spoke clearly to the Butterflies, "Our territory has fallen under attack by Clippers. We lost many of our own. We've been traveling for days to find you. We found sanctuary with some Totemists, but we need help from a territory with proper defense and attack lines. We don't trust any other territory."

Erastos bit his tongue before he could say, "I trust any other territory."

"Do you have anything to offer us," asked another Butterfly.

"Just good will," Antigone answered honestly. "We desperately need help. You're our only hope."

The Butterflies exchanged looks, huddled up, and talked amongst themselves.

Antigone held her breath and Erastos secretly hoped that they would be turned away.

When the Butterflies turned around, the girl with the short hair spoke. "We have no proof that you're telling the truth," she said. "We're sorry that you were attacked by Clippers, but you were about to trespass and you've given us no reason to trust you."

They didn't say so, but Antigone could tell that they were uncomfortable with the amount of men in her army.

"We mean no harm," she assured them.

"We'll be the judges of that," said another Butterfly, as the rest of them drew their weapons.

Erastos had decided that enough was enough. He reached forward and grabbed Antigone's arm. "Let's go," he said.

But Willow wasn't having it. She drew her long metal sword and held it in the air. "Out of our way, bitches," she cried.

Antigone cringed, mentally face-palming.

Willow had always been one to act on instinct and adrenaline.

Of course, her battle cry was the catalyst of a battle between the Butterflies and the Firebirds.

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