Prologue: Crash Landing

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Prologue: Crash Landing

"We have only a little time to please the living. But all eternity to love the dead."

- Sophocles, Antigone

"You can't catch me," Ismene cried quietly, sliding around the shiny floors of the castle as she ran from her sister.

Antigone stumbled to keep up with her sister, though she was faster than she gave herself credit for. "You underestimate me, sister," she cried out, giggling and laughing so loud that her voice echoed throughout the halls of the palace.

Antigone had it all. A wonderful sister, a nurturing mother, and a loving father. She knew how to defend herself but had the luxury of not living in fear. She was mostly content and the bond that she shared with her family was strong. She was the daughter of the Baron and Baroness of Phoenix Territory: Odysseus and Thena.

Odysseus and Thena were known as two of the most benevolent leaders in all of the Badlands. Unlike most power hungry and ruthless barons, Odysseus and Thena used their fortune to help people. They taught their children how to be kind and give to those in need. This behavior was rare in the world that they lived in, for nothing was the same as it was more than five centuries ago.

Antigone and her fraternal twin sister Ismene did not have the luxury of a normal childhood. Being the daughters of a Baron essentially made them the children of royalty. If their parents were targets, then so were they. This meant that they were constantly cooped up inside the castle. They never got to experience real life, though their parents gradually tried to teach them and train them as much as they could.

Antigone and Ismene were very well-respected and taken care of, but their parents were not around often, and the girls were often cared for by the help. This led the sisters to become very close throughout their childhood.

One fateful night, eleven-year-old Antigone and Ismene woke up to play a game of tag and their lives changed forever.

"Shhhhhhh," Ismene hissed, out of breath. "Be quiet! It's late and people are sleeping! You're being impolite!" She slithered carefully past one of the pristine wooden tables. Atop the table rested a pure glass vase, clear and shining against the moonlight that glistened through the windows of the ballroom.

Antigone rolled her eyes. Ismene had always been better behaved than Antigone. Ismene did everything that she was told. She was a perfect lady. She used all of her free time to study and practice proper manners.

Meanwhile, Antigone was a rebel. She was always getting up in the middle of the night to eat snacks that she was not supposed to eat and encouraging Ismene to play pranks on some of the palace staff. Ismene never really wanted to, but she was always suckered in by her sister, leading them both to get into trouble. Ismene always tried to be the responsible one, which made it extra hurtful for her when she would get the flack for not being there for her sister, as if Antigone was incapable of being mature herself.

Even though the sisters were very close, there was always a bit of a rift between them. Antigone was always extra coddled by Odysseus and Thena, but she had an extra difficult training regimen. Her parents always told her that she was special and that she had to be extra careful around blades and knives for her safety and the safety of others.

Ismene was not given as much attention as Antigone was and she always felt like Antigone was the favorite. Ismene felt neglected and envious, but she never acted on her feelings and continued to do right by her family as she was always taught to do, even if she thought that it was wrong.

Antigone, however, had a strong sense of self and always voiced her opinion, even when it was to her detriment. However, she never spoke up about how unfair it was to her that she had to train so much more than Ismene did.

"I'll show you impolite," Antigone whisper-yelled.

She screeched to a stop in front of the table with the vase on top of it.

Ismene came to an instant stop and threw her hands up in alarm. "Be careful," she cried. "The vase!"

Antigone turned around and smirked when she saw the vase. She turned back around to face her sister with that same mischievous smirk.

Ismene's heart sunk. "Uh oh," she said. "Tig, please don't do what I think that you're gonna do!"

"What am I gonna do," Antigone asked with faux innocence, tapping her lip tauntingly with her finger.

"Antigone-e-e-e," Ismene whined, stomping her foot. "I'm tired of cleaning up behind you all the time! Don't be stupid!"

Antigone pouted, crossing her arms. "Stupid is a mean word," she whined and stomped her foot in the same manner as Ismene did.

Despite how different they were, they had some things in common.

"I'm not calling you stupid, I'm saying that you're acting stupid," Ismene emphasized.

"Same thing!"

"Is not!"

"Is too!"

"Is not!"

"Is too!"

With a heavy sigh, Ismene turned around. "That's it," she said. "I'm gonna go tell Mother and Father."

Antigone gritted her teeth in frustration. "Tattle tale," she spat. "I'm gonna do it anyway!" With that, she whirled around and crouched down, preparing to spring up into the air so that she could leap over the vase.

"Antigone, no," Ismene cried.

Alas, Antigone did not listen.

She sprung up into the air like a cat and curled up into a ball as she flew over the vase. She had done much more difficult in training, so this was fun for her.

Momentarily, she felt like a bird. It felt like she was flying through the air with wings, her long brunette curls blowing around in the wind. She felt alive. She felt free.

Then, crash landing.

She heard her sister cry out for her before she hit something hard and sharp. Her vision blackened before she could see the glass shatter, but she heard it when it shattered and she felt it when it cut her.

She was engulfed by darkness and the world turned black.

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