3: a new friend

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Jinx made her way over to the mystery girl. As she got closer the girl looked up and met her eyes. Her eyes were bright blue, similar to how powders once looked but the girls' eyes were glowing. She seemed nervous. Most people would be on edge in a place like this. The only reason someone would approach you in this town would usually be to mug you. She understood why the girl looked so anxious. She hoped her reputation hadn't spread to here as well. It would be best to avoid the past. That was why she left zaun, wasn't it?

"Hey blondie" she dropped down onto the wooden chair next to her. The girl looked ready to attack or run at the slightest sight of danger.

"Hi" the girl eyed her warily.

"I'm jinx, it stands for jinx" she spoke with an enthusiastic smile.

"I'm Lux," the girl politely replied hesitantly. What did she have to do to get her to relax?

"I'll just call you blondie, So what is a girl like you doing in bilgewater?" Small talk was pointless and it was her mission to learn this girl's secrets. Might as well get to the point.

"I'm here for a job, why are you here?"

Well this is a start. At least the girl is talking. Wait, what did she say? What was she supposed to say? I'm running away because I'm in denial, oh and I'm a terrorist. Yeah like that would work.

"I'm just travelling" she'd just keep it blunt. Lux didn't need to know everything. "So where are you from?"

"...Demacia, what about you? You don't look like you're from here" the blonde girl was starting to relax.


This made the girl tense. Zaun didn't have the best reputation, Most people were wary of zaunites, for good reason.

"Can I get you a drink?" might as well make a good impression. The girl didn't seem like she wanted any confrontation so at least she wouldn't have to fight anyone yet.

The girl smiled before replying "Sure, I'll have some ale"


Jinx woke to the sun dully shining through the clouds into the room. She could hear the faint snoring at the end of the lumpy bed.

After she had bought Lux a drink they had stayed out for most of the night having fun. By the time they were tired Lux was really drunk so she brought her back to her room.

The blonde girl mumbled something before opening her eyes and looking around the room.

"Where am I?" Her voice was groggy and confused before a look of recognition came upon her face at the sight of jinx "Oh, hi jinx"

Jinx giggled at that "I'm surprised you remembered me, you drank a lot last night"

Lux rolled her eyes with a tired grown. Mumbling the word shut up into the bed.

"Come on, want to get some food"



It had been a week since Jinx met Lux. She would like to say they were becoming friends but she wasn't really sure.

It had been a long time since she had a real friend. Her last friend was ekko. But that was when she was still powder. Did he even like her anymore? He did sleep with her so maybe there's still a small chance.

She placed a gentle hand on her stomach. She still hasn't told anyone about her pregnancy.

You're going to be a bad mother. You've already jinxed everyone, you'll jinx them too.

"Shut up" she shouted at the annoying figure standing in the corner.

She was working on more chompers to distract herself. Maybe she could teach her child to do this when they were old enough.

But now, She really needed to blow something up. She had tried to stop it but she deserved some fun for once. It would be best to try to find somewhere abandoned so as not to draw attention to herself. She can't have piltover getting word that she is gone.

Getting up she put the newly made chompers onto her belt. She remembered a building a few miles outside of bilgewater, that would be the perfect place to destroy. She locked the door to her room and headed off.


She pulled the safety pin out of the chomper and threw it into a smashed window. The building collapsed with a loud crashing sound.

It was amazing.

The fallen debris was covered in bright paint and glitter. The floor was burnt and something had caught on fire.

Would Lux appreciate the beauty of this? Most people didn't. Whenever she blew something up, fat hands and hat lady would show up and try to stop her. Why didn't they understand it? she once thought ekko would understand. If she remembered correctly they used to work on them together when they were kids. But what had changed. She had jinxed it, hadn't she.

You're a jinx, you jinxed your family, you'll jinx ekko and your new family. You can't run from it, JINX

He was right wasn't he. She did jinx them.

No, she can't think like this. She needs to ignore it. She won't jinx them anymore. She won't jinx Lux and she won't jinx her baby... She won't jinx ekko. Not anymore.

She threw another chomper at the rumble. It blew up and scattered debris everywhere.

OK, she should probably get back soon. Lux would probably be wondering where she was by now.


As soon as she returned to the port she spotted the blonde girl waving at her.

"Jinx, where have you been? I've been looking for you" Lux said with a smile.

"Just went for a walk, do you need something?" It was nice to talk to a real person, mylo was getting annoying.

"Come on let's go to the tavern, we can talk there"

They walked back to the Inn and sat at a corner table.

Lux's eyes scanned jinx the excitement in them quickly turned to concern. "Are you ok? You look sick"

Shit. She did feel a bit light headed. Maybe she shouldn't have blown up a building while pregnant. No one ever said that you shouldn't, was it supposed to be obvious?

"I'm fine, just a bit light headed, pregnancy just really takes it out of you" she said with a chuckle.

She looked over at Lux, the worried look on her face had changed to one of shock.

"What? Do I have something on my face?" Jinx jokes, confused.

"Did you say you were pregnant? Since when?"

Oh, she forgot to tell Lux that. She just hoped Lux didn't ask too much. She wasn't ready to tell her about her past yet. Or about ekko… her boy saviour.

"Yes, I'm nearly five months pregnant. Anyway, what did you want to talk about?" She changed the topic. She would tell Lux about ekko one day. But not yet, she wasn't ready yet.

"We're not done talking about your pregnancy. But we can do that later, I wanted to ask if you wanted to move in with me. I found a two bedroom apartment and I'm looking for a roommate but I don't really know anyone yet. And it's better than the inn"  she said awkwardly, rubbing her arm with a nervous smile.

Lux wanted her to move in. Logically it would be better than the Inn. It would be cheaper and lux could help her through the rest of the pregnancy. For the first time in a long time she felt like she had someone she could rely on. For the first time in years, she had a friend.

"Sure, blondie, I'd love to"

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