The road to town

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POV: a poetic take on panic attacks.

I walk down the town road
it's been long since I've been here
I walk over the dried leaves
it's been long since I've tasted fear

It's coming in slowly, creeping over the vines
Today my anxiety smells like the pines
I am finding it hard to breathe and my mind's numb
as I look around the familiar path that leads me to town

"I know this place" I tell myself, "I know the way out."
If only I could convince my ever lasting self- doubt.
My lungs are constricting, I feel I'm drowing
In this moment, I can feel my demons smiling

I shouldn't be this hard, I know the way out
I've done this a thousand times before.
I can't lose myself, not now, not when I'm so close
Not when I know what giving up leads to

I fight for my mind, my body, my soul
I fight for freedom from the cage,
I built on my own.

After dying a thousand deaths,
I can now finally breathe
An eternity later, I think I feel the breeze

I'm at the cusp of my sanity,
at the entrance of the town
I can live again till
the next panic attack comes around.


A/N: To all those reading, how do you lovelies cope with panic attacks?

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