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Chapter 73: The Big Plate Chicken That I Can't Eat

In the past few days, the fans in the live broadcast room suddenly discovered that the few fluffy dogs of the anchor's house seemed to have disappeared.

"Where did Furry go?" Jiang Tang glanced at the barrage, holding a knife in his hand, and his hand cutting potatoes didn't stop at all.

The only thing to be heard is the rhythmic clatter of knives and chopping boards.

Jiang Tang smiled and said: "No more, there will be no Furry in the future."

He didn't dare to come to Jiang Tang, so he could only squat silently in the live broadcast room and mixed in the bullet screen. A certain three people: ...

Jiang Tang today To make a large plate of chicken, when preparing the chicken at the beginning, Jiang Tang also subconsciously prepared a portion for two people and two fluffy ones.

It was only later that I realized that those few people were kicked out by myself.

Jiang Tang: ...

He separated the chicken, leaving only a part for himself to eat, then chopped the chicken into large pieces, and washed the blood off in clean water.

With the help of the Academy of Sciences, now Jiang Tang has finally realized the freedom of seasoning, and can pursue a more perfect and delicate taste when cooking.

Even the fans said that Jiang Tang's recent dishes are so delicious that they want to swallow their tongues.

And now some natural foods and seasonings have also been promoted, and fans with financial strength can also buy them to cook at home.

Jiang Tang will also slow down his movements now, with detailed explanations for each step.

Fans were moved by this, but also a little helpless: This person, he seems to really want to teach us!

Jiang Tang added a little sugar, salt and white pepper to the chicken, poured a little cooking wine, and marinated the chicken evenly.

Add a little dry starch to the chicken pieces to make the chicken more tender and smooth.

The potatoes had been cut into uniform hob pieces by Jiang Tang before, and water was added to the pot, and the cut potatoes were poured into the pot, and the potatoes were boiled first.

Add a little salt to give the potatoes a taste. Then Jiang Tang added a little dark soy sauce to color the potatoes. In this way, when the potatoes are put into the pot, they will not feel inconsistent with the chicken.

Dried red peppers and green peppers are also chopped and set aside.

Jiang Tang first heated up the pan, then added a little oil, added a little rock sugar, and first fried it to a sugary color.

"Like me, use a spoon to tap the rock sugar lightly to melt it quickly, and keep stirring. When the rock sugar is fried until it bubbles yellow and then turns blood red, it means that the sugar is cooked." Jiang Tang continued to cook the chicken

. Pour the pieces into the pan and stir fry constantly to color the chicken pieces.

When the chicken is fried until it turns white, put the chicken out first, Jiangtang then adds a little oil into the pot, add sliced ​​scallions and ginger, and stir-fry together until the aroma is released.

Then add a little dried peppercorns and continue to stir-fry. After frying, Jiang Tang poured the chicken in and stir-fried together.

Then add a spoonful of bean paste and stir-fry together. After the sauce is fragrant, add water. The water is just enough to cover the chicken.

"Add a little dark soy sauce for color, then add a little light soy sauce, pour in oyster sauce, a spoonful of sugar, a spoonful of chicken bouillon and an appropriate amount of salt to taste," Jiang Tang showed various seasonings in front of the camera, "There are many seasoning possibilities You can't buy it in the mall, so you don't need to add it, and the simple version of the big plate chicken will taste very good."

Jiang Tang stirred it with a spoon, and then added dried red pepper pieces and green pepper pieces into the pot.

"This chili is not too spicy, but it will be very fragrant."

Jiang Tang looked up at the barrage, and suddenly saw someone saying that they don't cook spicy dishes recently, and this is the first time in a few days. .

His hand holding the spoon paused imperceptibly, Jiang Tang smiled and said, "Eating spicy food all the time is easy to cause a burden on the stomach, and you can also eat some other flavors in exchange.

" Said, but Jiang Tang knew in his heart that he always subconsciously chose to cook spicy dishes because of the taste of someone in his family.

And now...

Jiang Tang snorted inwardly, he is still angry with someone.

He lowered the heat to allow the soup to thicken even more, then poured the potato cubes into the pot, turning them with a spoon.

Jiang Tang deliberately chose potatoes with yellow hearts. Such potatoes are easy to get sandy when cooked, and the taste is more waxy.

Continue to cook on a low heat, wait until the soup is almost dry, and then add green pepper cubes at the end.

The green pepper cubes are added at the end to maintain the unique fragrance of green peppers.

Jiang Tang kept frying the chicken pieces, adding a little sliced ​​garlic before serving, and stir-frying a few times, the Xinjiang Dapan Chicken was done.

This dish is bright in color, smooth and slightly spicy chicken with soft, glutinous and sweet potatoes, spicy and fragrant, thick and thin.

But this is not a complete large plate of chicken, Jiang Tang took out the noodles that he had woken up early while the sauce was still in the pot, and made the special noodles.

Seeing Jiang Tang's posture on the bullet screen, the old fans were all excited. They still remember watching Jiang Tang's live broadcast at the first time, and were shocked by his "stunt" of rolling noodles with smooth hands, and now they have become old fans of the live broadcast room .

"I didn't expect everyone to remember the original chicken noodle soup," Jiang Tang smiled. "I'll make it for you when I have a chance. The puffed noodles we made today are wide." Jiang Tang stretched the dough

skillfully , A long strip of skin was born from his hands. In order to make the dough more flavorful, although the dough was wide, it was stretched very thin by Jiang Tang.

Jiang Tang put the noodles into boiling water, cooked them, took them out, and placed them on a deep plate.

Put the soup in the pot on the other side, and put the large plate chicken that is just right on the fire, and put it on the plate and cover it on the leather surface.

Jiang Tang picked up the wide and thin noodles with chopsticks and stirred them in the soup for a few times. The noodles were immediately surrounded by the thick soup. It was spicy and delicious in the mouth, and it also had the unique chewiness of the noodles.

Add a piece of delicious chicken nuggets with burnt skin and rotten meat, and eat a piece of soft and waxy potato soaked in soup. It can only be said that chicken, potatoes and noodles are a perfect match after cooking.

The fans in the live broadcast room were also hooked.

After the broadcast, Jiang Tang saw a new message from the queen in his mind.

Jiang Tang:.

Speaking of which, the queen didn't know that they had quarreled.

Although he is now in a unilateral cold war with Wen Renyuan, it is not a very formal quarrel. Jiang Tang clicked on the news, it turned out that the queen invited him to the palace for tea.

Jiang Tang pouted, turned around and went to the kitchen to bake an oven of egg tarts and biscuits.

He just went to the palace to have a cup of tea with the queen, he didn't want to see how someone was doing.

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