[SF] {FL} Obvious

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Tw: Physical affection?? Kisses, light touching (get steamy again, sorry, but only for like three sentences). Suggestive scenes, but nothing more than that. Not proofread.


Summary: Getting used to living inside the mountain had been difficult for you. Even more with the incredibly cold temperatures. When the cold wakes you up earlier than Kili one morning, you decide to snuggle into him for extra warmth, to which he wakes up. Fluff ensues.


"I love the taste of you in the morning. Keep me warm and nothin' else, nothin' more important. Makes me wanna believe in love."

It had been no new feeling for you; the everlasting cold of Erebor. Of course, it was kind of the package deal with a mountain. No sunlight, no heating, only the occasional providence of light through candles. But even after two weeks, you forget to dress for the temperature. And it became even more difficult as you and Kili had decided to run through the halls in order to warm up, so your clothing had to be adjusted to those occasions: not too warm and not too warm.

Yet, as you went to sleep, you were convinced the three layers of blankets would keep you warm, and not necessarily your clothes. But you were wrong. Yet again.

You had woken up before Kili even did, and that had been a rare occurrence. Kili was known to be an early riser. And at the moment, he was dozing off next to you, his hair sprawled over his pillow as one arm remained draped over your side. His eyes are closed peacefully as his mouth was parted only slightly, silent snores escaping from it. The only reason you knew it was morning, was because of the footsteps that kept walking past your door. And, while you usually slept through it, it now drove you insane.

"I love the thought of us in the evening. Crave the feeling, the way you feel, somethin' 'bout it's healing. I'm praying we don't fuck this up."

You shivered under the cold air, holding onto the blanket tightly as you balled yourself up, trying to perserve your warmth. How it never once appeared to bother Kili, you did not know.

You observed the sleeping dwarf next to you for a second, before snuggling into his arms, letting your head rest in the crook of his neck as your arms folded themselves up against his chest, trying to warm yourself up.

Kili let out a groan at the movement, stirring in his sleep as his arm tightened around you, keeping you closer than before, much to your comfort. You wiggled your arms against his lightly, trying to find a comfortable angle. One where you were sure you weren't crushing Kili's arms under your weight.

"Stop moving." He suddenly mumbled, resting his head on top of yours.

"It's too cold." You whispered back, not listening to his words.

Kili sighed tiredly, before turning onto his side, wrapping both arms around you now as he caged you between his hold.

"Better?" He asked, his cheek buried against your hair. You let out a hum of agreement, now stilling in his arms as you closed your eyes again.

"Others that I've had had to impress me before. But I knew you were the real thing when you walked through the door. I didn't think that I would have to spell it out."

But sleep did not come to you afterwards. You had been warmer than before, yes, but it had appeared as it the cold still forced you awake. Kili, in the other hand, fell asleep before you could even ask him when he would get up.

So you simply laid there, staring at the ceiling, where glimpses of the sun outside were now seen. Kili knew you got cold quickly, so he made sure you had a room with a tiny window, just to provide you heat in the summer, but now it was winter. And the window did nothing but light up the room in the morning.

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