[HC] {FL} Fictional Crushes

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RQ: "So I was just thinking of a fic where the reader is actually with aidan turner as a couple and she watches him playing the character of kili so she finds herself enamored by kili as well(?) Idk if it makes sense. Maybe aidan finds out and he teases her about it, say kili's lines or making his hair like kili."

TW: Teasing??? Man idk???


- You and Aidan had been together for quite a while, so it truly hadn't come as a surprise when he asked you to come with him to the screening of 'An Unexpected Journey'.

- You had always helped him rehearse his lines in any project and you had no problem with him not revealing certain key points in a movie. But when you heard he was playing in another Peter Jackson movie, you began growing more curious.

- You had already been familiar with the Lord of the Ring movies and knowing Aidan was now playing part in Tolkien's legacy made you so proud, yet so snoopy. You wanted to know everything about the setting, the actors, the story line,,,,everything.

- So it had been difficult for Aidan to keep his mouth shut at times. But after this evening, he would no longer have to.

- The moment Aidan had appeared as Kili during the screening, you had grabbed his hand, squeezing it tightly while pointing to his character. Aidan was so ecstatic upon seeing your reaction that he could not wait for you to see the rest of it.

- Yet, upon watching the rest of the movie, your responses grew more quiet, telling him you were no longer focusing on whatever was happening, but more particularly on someone. You always became quiet when you were looking at someone, whether that was in a good way or bad way.

- Truth be told, you had found Kili incredibly attractive. I mean, who wouldn't? It hadn't been the first time you fell in love with a fictional character, yet some part of you told you this was different as you were, in a way, dating Kili.

- But you could never tell Aidan that. He wouldn't let you hear the end of it.

- But Aidan knew you better than he knew himself. You would make some small remarks during the screening, yet you always grew quiet when his character had a line or any form of screen time.

- At first, you managed to cover it up with a "I just want to properly see your bits in the movie.", but as the movie came to an ending, Aidan quickly realized it had not been only about his acting; It had been about his character.

- He could keep his mouth shut for a while upon finding out, but the second the both of you were in the car away from the public, he burst out laughing.

- "I mean, I knew I was attractive, but I didn't know it was that bad!"

- And then your entire face heated up. You knew there was no point in trying to hide it, but it did not make you any less ashamed.

- "Tell me, is it the hair?" He wondered with a smile, flashing you an amused look. "Shut up, Aidan." "Or was it the beard?" "You've had that beard the entire time you were shooting." "So it was the hair."

- And from there on, the entirety of the car ride was filled with stupid comments, even if they were used lighthearted.

- "Are you Mister Boggins?" He tried with his best Kili imitation.

- "Shut your gob or I'll do it for you." "I'd gladly let you do it, but I don't know if Kili would approve."

- You bet your ass he's never shaving that beard off again. He even tries growing out his hair. It started out as a teasing, but since he knew you liked his long hair, he made it his duty to grow it out.

- Only it didn't work out so well. His hair wouldn't grow that fast and he needed to keep it short enough so the wig would fit onto his head for the next movies.

- But it had been long enough to wear a stupid ponytail from time to time. A tiny one, but it counted nonetheless.

- He would constantly let his lines slip and whenever the two of you were rehearsing, Aidan would act all innocent and Kili-like (in the best way possible)

- "Are you trying to romance me?" ".......yeah....." "it's working."

- And then the battle of the five armies happened. To say you were crushed would be an understatement. Of course Aidan would be there to comfort you, but he's literally Kili so it doesn't always work.

- It doesn't stop him from maintaining his stubble. It's attractive, lets face it. He knows it, you know it.

- He'll keep it for you.

- There will be a annual rewatch of the hobbit series so you can simp for Kili again. Aidan would act all offended and cuddle up to you, trying to get your attention.

- Sometimes he doesn't realize he's Kili.

- He's not the brightest, okay?

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