Chapter 4 Solangelo (smut)

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The nightmares came every night, and every night Will was there. Telling Nico how beautiful he was. Kissing his scars. Loving him. This night was particularly bad. Nico was back in Tartarus, surrounded by all his worst fears. Tonight it was Will. A ghost-like Will stood in front of Nico. Telling him he was ugly. That no one would want him. His body was repulsive. He was unlovable. All Nico was to him was another person to fix, nothing more. Just another damn project assigned to Will. Just another person to glue back together.

Nico sat bolt upright in bed. He looked next to him. Will wasn't there. He looked around frantically. Will was gone. Will has left him. Nico's thoughts raced. He started to hyperventilate. Curling his small body into a ball, he put his hands over his ears. Trying to block out the thought he was having. He felt hot tears stream down his face. Sobs wracked his small frame. Nico was alone.

Will fumbled with his keys to the apartment he shared with Nico. Will had been assigned a graveyard shift at the hospital. It had been crazy. That night alone he has delivered five babies. He unlocked the door slowly, not wanted to disturb his sleeping prince. That's when he heard them. Nico's sobs. Will hated hearing Nico cry. It hollowed his heart out and gave him an empty feeling. Instinctively, Will set down his bag, took off his shoes, and crossed the room in four strides.

Nico felt arms snake around his waist, pulling him close. He struggled, trying to get away from his attacker.

"Where are you going, baby boy?"

Nico's eyes widened. He rolled over. Will. Will was laying in front of him. How could that be? Will hated him. Was repulsed by him.


Will's eyes looked at Nico, full of question and concern. Nico reached his hand, up to Will's face. Tracing the curve of his brow and down his nose.

"Your real…" Nico whispered.

"Of course I am, Amore. Why wouldn't I be?"

"You said you hated me. You said I repulsed you," Nico started to beak down again, "i-i woke up and you were g-gone so I t-thought…"

Nico didn't need to finish. Will pulled the smaller boy to his chest and held him there.

"Amore, I could never say those things to you. I would never leave you. You're my whole world, I couldn't survive without you."

Will kissed Nico's forehead and traced circled on his back to slow his breathing. Nico pulled his head back and looked up at Will.

"Will, I need you. I n-need you to love me."

Nico's cheeks burned, he had never asked Will anything like this before. Tonight he couldn't help it, he needed reassurance. He needed to be loved. Will tilted his chin up, so their eyes connected.

"I already love you, baby boy."

Their lips connected. The kiss was short and sweet, leaving Nico wanting more. Will re-positioned Nico so that he was on his back, with Will straddling him. Will leaned down, lips brushing Nico's ear.

"You're beautiful, angel," Will whispered, quietly.

Nico shivered. Will brought his head back up and kissed Nico passionately. Drawing the kiss out, teasing Nico, rubbing his tongue across Nico's bottom lip but never deepening the kiss.

Solangelo smutWhere stories live. Discover now