Chapter 3 Jercy smut

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"So you see, that's why I came to you for this," Percy said, red-faced, as he twiddled his thumbs. His body was facing his companion, but his eyes were darting nervously at everything but the other person standing next to him. The usually confident Percy was, in that moment, replaced by an awkward one.

They were standing by the Dining Pavilion, leaning into each other and speaking lowly. The other campers hardly noticed them, but the sole fact that they were in public required them to speak in hushed tones so as to not draw attention-although this technique might have served to counter their intentions and to draw even more attention than originally planned. With the sun suspended directly overhead, it felt as if not only their fellow demigods could surreptitiously be watching, but the gods could as well.

"Uh-huh..." said Percy's companion cautiously, unsure about whether to go through with what Percy was asking. "Keep going..."

"And. Well. It's just. I've been wondering for some time what it'd be like to try it. And I don't really trust anyone else to do it with but you, bro." Inwardly, Percy snorted to himself. He knew he was balancing on the finest tightrope that ever existed by asking this of Jason of all people, so he thought that adding the word "bro" to the end of his sentence would improve his chances of having Jason do him this favor.

But gods, this was awkward. They'd been friends for some time now, and he didn't want to ruin it by asking something as weird as this. It was true, however, that he'd been thinking about it for some time. It'd been bothering him, like a nagging feeling in the back of his head. He'd brought it up with Annabeth one day and she'd told him that in ancient times, Greek males did all sorts of promiscuous acts with each other, and that it was perfectly natural for Percy to feel that way. At her encouragement, he'd thought of different guys he could try it with: Leo, Nico, or others. But they all lacked something in them that Percy wanted. Someone else that could take control.

Then he had an idea. Jason! Jason was Greek enough, right? Percy had brought the idea up with Annabeth again and she had agreed he should try it with Jason. He hadn't known how to ask him, so Percy just went headfirst and sprung the question.

"So..." Jason said, leaning in closer, "you want to have sex? With me?"

Percy nodded, still red in the face. "It's up to you, and we totally don't have to if you don't want to. I just want to...know what it's like."

Jason took one step backward, squared his shoulders, and smirked. "I didn't know you were into that, bro."

"I'm not!" Percy exclaimed before looking around, panicked, and covering his mouth. "Well, I might be, but I don't know. I just... Will you or not?" He gave his signature pleading look and saw that Jason was slowly giving in.

After a few moments of awkward silence, Jason agreed and Percy lit up with suppressed excitement. "On one condition," Jason said immediately after Percy gave a sigh of relief.

Percy's face faltered. "And that is?"

"We still stay bros after this."

Percy gave another sigh of relief and relaxed his shoulders, not realizing how stressed he'd been. "Yeah, that's okay." Percy thought that Jason's condition would've been something worse, so he was glad that Jason asked for something simple. He would have to tell Annabeth that he was worried for nothing.

"Where do you want to do it?" Jason asked, looking somewhat awkward. "My cabin or yours?"

"Can we do it in mine? I'd feel more comfortable there."

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