The Fight

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Isaiah had no idea what was going on after I walked away in tears. He walked up to Alex's door and knocked. Alex walked from his bedroom and answered it. He opened it and said "Hello who are you?"
"I'm Isaiah. I'm Brittney's best friend. Why did she leave in tears?"
He looked at Isaiah and said "Is that really any of your business? She's the one who can't keep a guy."
Isaiah waited a few minutes and then said "What are you talking about any guy would die to be with her."
Alex said "Then why don't you be with the little shy baby who won't try anything new."
"You're stupid and I can't believe you hit her and made her leave in tears." Isaiah told him.
Alex walked out the door a little bit and said "Hey dork, why don't you go hang out with your little shy baby and leave me alone". He punched him in the eye. "Never come back."
Isaiah didn't say anything he just left walked away.

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