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... Lustious Bonneville ...

Rosa's POV

Today is a well needed day to relax, but I got to be at the company by no later than eleven.

I yawned as I stretched my tired limbs in my bed, as I looked over at my digital clock on the nightstand.


I hummed as I'm well satisfied, that I got a good nap from yesterday evening until this morning.

Two day ago, with Ms. Bonneville and I... incident. I've never felt any regret, speeding away from her.

By all rights, she had no right to ask who I was speaking to, or, who was that'.

Her and her creeped out counting, had me on edge since I've been to classes the two days left.

Today was holiday, meaning, it's near Christmas in December. And since the tenth of this month, I am needed for lots of photoshoots.

It is tiring at times, but I have never asked from a better career, that keeps me going during lazy moments.

Every single shoots, consisted of costumes and designs representing Christmas and lingeries.

I'd be uncomfortable in other female presence, but i trust Bailey and she knows her limits and it's strictly business.

Today though, I gotta be on my P&Q about some fashionable modeler by the name of Hadid.

I'm not sure her full name, but I've heard amazing things about that lady, and she's attractive, I'll give that much.

She carry herself with confidence, posture and masculinity, slash, femininity. But can be serious.

I've seem pictures of her, and got to learn that she a mother of one daughter and a ex-baby father.

Back to Ms. Bonneville...

I avoided that woman, like wind and dust.

Although, I pay attention in class, but i never do more than that.

Even so, I missed our time together, even if it's just kicking back and she being there for me, while one as wasted.

But how she was acting, since whenever thinking she's been a professor and spoke to me, it's always a knee-buckling nicknames.




But... the woman had the audacity to call me by my real name and give me a damn attitude.

You see, I'm girl like this; I'll just ate your most sweetest food. But try to disrespect me and Imma do you dirty.

I was grown by my mothers, to respect people older than I am and to stand up for myself.

And not because, she's my professor and she brought me out to eat, she can treat me anyway she likes.

𝐋𝐔𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐔𝐒 𝐁𝐎𝐍𝐍𝐄𝐕𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄 (𝐆𝐗𝐆)Where stories live. Discover now