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"Why am I the one doing this?"

"You're the only one we can count on, Lord Khalei! Mistress has left for important matters!"

Annoyance could be felt from miles as it rolled off from an ethereal-looking being. He had silver hair with a lilac tint and a pair of heterochromia orbs of red and blue. Across him was a panda with wings and glasses looking as if it would be the last day of his life.

It was clear that none of the two parties are humans. What with the man's reptilian eyes and the panda's form. This I present to you are the God of Love and Marriage, Ryong Khalei and the God of Records' Envoy, Pewu.

"Pewu, is that what Resitis has told you? Or was it Pevu?"


"Answer me."

"...Mistress Resitis."

"Next time, call another God."

The non-human God swiftly turned around to the direction of the door with the goal of leaving the place and asking for a 3-day leave to the mortal realm.

He was the God of Love and Marriage, not one ounce related to the powers of Resitis. Despite being the closest with each other in the realm of the Gods. Which is a rare case as the immortals are more selfish than any being and would do anything to achieve their goal. Khalei who ascended as the youngest God and most powerful one despite being a non-combat God was often objected to the jealousy of most of his peers. Resitis was the only one attentive enough to guide him. He would often help Resitis in her duties, but the moment he saw the world he'll have to watch over, Khalei immediately objected.

"B-But Lord Khalei! Mistress Resitis has informed me to tell you to treat this as the repayment from back then!"

That seemed to make the god agree as he stopped and stretched out his palm towards the being known as Pewu.

"Give me the file."

"Yes Lord Khalei!"

The god could only sigh defeatedly as he pondered over the situation while the small panda flew off to bring something.

'Why is it that world?'

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