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Jane in the classroom is anxious

Jane shifted her shins against each other one more time, she delved in the foreign sensation. She had never shaved her legs up until today, she had the uneasy feeling that she was not the only person who knew that. Suddenly, she became self-aware... too self-aware; first she started toying with her hair that had been straightened for the first time, then she began hyperventilating. Her legs were not shaved properly, her hair look like a dead mutant hamster, she was way too fat for short dresses. Her breaths came out in quick gasps and her hand gripped the hem of her skirt tightly. Why was I even trying? She thought ruefully. She brought her palms to her face and for a second she did not care about smudging her make-up. The noise around her became an anomaly, warm fingers pried her hands away gently. Her stomach turned and she looked up. That's why she was trying.

English assignment numero dos c: waaaaaayyyyy over 80-100 words lol. Anyway I thought I'd post all of my English assignments in this book as short stories I might develop c::::: (that's weird looking) anywho byee.


Mpule ♥

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