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Anne at the beach is guilty

The vast blue stretched out in front of me-twice, where neither touched but seemed to be in eternal contact. My toes curled up beneath me and I felt my nails resisting against the stubborn wood of the dock. I exhaled and took one step into the sea of endless grains, my body seized up in a moment of unexpected guilt. My eyes quivered as the coarse grains enveloped my feet. Jane sat a few ways from me with her back stuff and hostile. I opened my mouth to call out to her but stopped short; what would I say? That I was sorry? It was like a spontaneous combustion, the words dissolved themselves in my guilt.


English assignment numero uno. Ehhhh I was actually shocked that I got that done because it was an in class assignment and I was going to skip class lol. But, hey! Thanks for reading c: this is a 'Narrative setting' assignment and 80-100 words are required c:


Mups ♥

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