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It's been too fuckingg long since I last updated this book, but I've solved the issue so I'm going to try and get this book finished because it should have already been by now. I recommend going back a few chapters to recap yourself. Also this is a DOUBLE UPDATE TOO)

"Callie's pregnant?" I tilt my head at my brother, peeking over his phone at the conversation between him and his wife. His head slowly turns and he squints his eyes, his face looking to question why I'm being nosy.

We are currently on a private jet on the way to Spain. We've barely gotten any sleep because we're trying to work out where Damien could be hiding, but for me and Gunner, it's mostly the worry that's keeping us awake. All I can think about is if our girl is okay. Is she scared? Fuck... Is she even alive?!

"Hmm." He hums.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I question, slightly hurt that this is how I'm finding out about another niece or nephew on the way.

"We only found out a little over a month ago, plus you've been a little preoccupied." He waves his hand about and I purse my lips, shrinking back in my seat. Now I suddenly feel bad for dragging the three of them here and leaving their pregnant wife alone, although from what I've heard she spends most of her time with some woman called Elodie. I've heard Phoenix muttering about how she's taking all of his wife's attention away from him.

"How far along is she?" I fiddle with my hands in my lap.

Miller sighs, locks his phone and turns his head to face me.

"She's just over three months. A little boy." My eyes brighten and I sit up a little straighter.

"Really?!" I whisper in excitement and he smiles gently, nodding his head.

"And no, you won't be taking him on jet skis as you did with our Myles. I can't tell you how many times I have to hear 'Can I see Uncle Mason?' 'Uncle Mason is more fun than you.' I throw my head back in laughter.

"Smart boy." I calm my laughter down and then I wonder. What if I could be a dad one day? But what if I'm shit at it?

"Do you think I'm capable of being a dad?" Miller is thrown back by my question and he clears his throat, putting his phone down on the small marble table in front of us.

"If you asked me this a few years ago I'd be calling social services." He jokes and I roll my eyes. "But in all honesty, I see how you've grown, you're still a little shit, but you've matured. Right now I'm looking at a completely different Mason than before. I see how you are with my children, so yes. I think you are capable of being a dad." He pats my shoulder, squeezing it tight.

"Really?" My voice cracks.

"Gunner and Delilah, they're good for you and when you all get back together again, don't take it for granted, Mason. Don't fuck up. Love is a sacred thing. I don't know where I would be if I didn't have them two, Callie and my kids. I'd be a lost man." He admits, leaning back against his seat, and taking a glance out of the window. We're somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean, but it's dark outside so I have no idea what he's trying to get a glimpse at.

"How'd you meet? You and Delilah?"

I raise my brows.

"Umm... We... She...—" I stumble over my words. "At the hotel and I told her she needed something shoved in her mouth because she told me she was ignoring me on purpose because I annoyed her. Honestly, we hated each other for quite some time."

Now she's one of the people I love the most.

"She brought me and Gunner together, made me realise being in love and a relationship isn't a scary thing."

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