Chapter Eleven: Ruined

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Jagged looked the soldier dead in the eyes and slapped him hard across the face. He cried in pain, rubbing his cheek, the skin turning red as a tomato.
"Stop whining, Flennon. Now go kill them before I ruin all your ugly features!"
The Arrovian let out a whimper before wiping away his tears. He took in a breath and put on his warrior's face before getting back out onto the battlefield.
"I swear, Flennon is the worst soldier in my army and that's saying something," Jagged sighed.
"I'll bash you to smithereens!" Flennon called to Drea.
She chuckled, "I'd like to see you try,"
He ignored the blood running down his face and tried to break off a stick from the tree the elf princess had found. However, Flennon had picked the weakest branch.
He went for her neck, but the stick broke on impact. Giving Drea time to strike back.
She dug her stick into his remaining good eye, a wicked grin forming on her face.
Flennon cried out, now blind in both eyes.
Blood splashed over her face, some of it going into her mouth. The grin faded away, now replaced with disgust.
"I hate the taste of blood," Drea wiped the blood off her face with her sleeve.
Once we had killed off nearly half of Jagged's army we met in the center of the forest.
"I'm covered in blood," Azekial groaned, as Devan attempted to rub the red stains out of his boyfriend's clothes.
Serina and Damian laughed, "Azekial, I would be more concerned if you weren't covered in blood the way you and Drea were fighting."
The Elf prince frowned, not in the mood to be mocked by a King who couldn't even stop his wife from being kidnapped.
Atalo kissed Drea, "I love how violent you are,"
"Can we skip the canoodling?" Menxa and I begged. We laughed at ourselves as his hand found mine.
I pushed a loose red hair behind Menxa's ear, I never understood why he was always in a blue cloak.
"They are just jealous," Drea whispered to the tall elf.
"Jealous?! In what universe would I be jealous of you?" I yelled.
I felt my magic crackle and sizzle in my palms the golden lighting dancing on my hands like electricity.
Nava frowned at me, "Mirabella, you need to calm down before you hurt someone,"
Naomi and Jake looked confused, "Mirabella would never hurt anyone. But she might if Drea and Atalo don't stop feeding her anger."
"Listen to Naomi, Nava," I glared at her, Drea had already gotten on my nerves, I didn't need Nava's stupid opinion to top it all off.
"You have no idea how badly I want to kiss you right now," Menxa whispered against my ear. His lips brushed my skin, which sent a shiver through me.
He smiled, "Let's get out of here while we still can."
"Couldn't have said it better myself," I muttered.
"How long before your parents realize we are gone?" Jake asked Azekial.
I had forgotten about the Girdeth royals, I was too busy thinking about Menxa's warm lips against my skin.
"I think they already know. While you guys were fighting I heard the warning bell that the guards use to alert the royal family that someone has escaped," Azekial's voice went high-pitched towards the end as if he was preparing himself to be yelled at.
"Why didn't you say something?" Devan laughed. Patting his lover on the shoulder.
"Would you have heard me over all the violence?"
I nodded, "I can't believe I'm saying this but the bird brain has a good point."
Devan gasped, "I can't believe you just insulted my precious Aze in front of me,"
Menxa frowned, "Sorry to break it to you but she has been doing that this entire time."
Azekial wasn't listening. "I'm your PRESCIOUS?!" He asked, his face flushing.
"You like it? I figured I'd try it out since "boyfriend" wasn't sounding right,"
Azekial smiled, "I don't just like it, I LOVE IT."
Now it was Devan's turn to blush, "I also came up with a couple name for us if you wanna hear it," He said in a small voice.
"TELL ME," Aze demanded, high on his own happiness.
He laughed. "It's Devial,"
"Kinda sounds like Devil," Menxa whispered to me.

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