Chapter Six: Trust Me

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I sighed and closed my eyes. I felt him take my hand in his and before I knew it we were kissing.
"You tricked me," I smiled, opening my eyes. I felt oddly safe in his arms.
"Would you have come otherwise?" This made both of us laugh.
He makes a fair point.
"What is the real reason you kidnapped me?" I asked. It was hard to believe Menxa had kidnapped me in the first place, let alone that we had fallen in love.
"I was sent to kill you, but I couldn't bring myself to kill such a beautiful being. Jagged and Dandelion Dance think I have brought you back to finish you off."
So, you are a terrible kidnapper and a liar. Anything else I didn't know about you?
"I'm shocked they believed you,"
Menxa grinned, "Of course they did, as far as Jagged and Dandelion Dance are concerned I'm their loyal murderer."
"What's the plan?" I challenged, testing him.
Menxa's grin slowly turned into a frown. "Try not to get killed, and get the hell out of here as soon as possible."
"That is like saying I hope we don't drown while being six feet under the ocean."
He laughed, tears of joy running down his cheeks.
"Where are they keeping Queen Serina?"
I asked, I had almost forgotten that Menxa hadn't just kidnapped me but taken Damian's wife as well.
He hesitated for a moment, "I handed her over to Jagged right before I met you in the castle. He usually keeps captives in the red tents."
"I could distract them while you have a look around,"
I jumped at the sound of Azekial's voice, turning to find that he was standing right behind me.
Great, the stupid elf was eavesdropping.
"How long have you been standing there?"
"Long enough?" Azekial laughed.
I'm going to kill him one day. I don't care what Damian and Nava think of me. Azekial was practically asking for it.
I put on a fake smile and Menxa held back his laugh as if he had read my mind.
"You are funny, Mira." He whispered.
Suddenly, Menxa gasped as Jagged pressed a knife to his throat.
"I should've known better than to trust you. You are just like your sister, Stellah." His words felt like daggers stabbing my chest.
Menxa smiled, "The one thing my sister and I agreed on was that we are nothing alike."
Before Jagged can react Menxa twists his body and punches him in the face. Surprisingly he is unharmed by the knife that was against his throat. Menxa runs to my side and I take his hand and squeeze it.
"How did you..."
"Not die? Practice, I have a knife to my throat daily." Menxa laughs.
"You will regret that," Jagged muttered, wiping the blood off his face with his now blood-stained red sleeve. It was hard to make out the stain since the shirt was almost the same color as his blood.
"No one messes with my idiot except me!" I run at Jagged and kick him in the groin before punching him in the face in the same blood-stained spot Menxa had.
I was so distracted by Jagged that I hadn't noticed Dandelion Dance was watching us in tears.
"What have you done to my HUSBAND!" She sobbed. I grimaced when she wiped her snot on her ripped yellow sleeve.
She is being way too dramatic, but importantly, why would she wipe snot on herself?
"Mirabella, come on," Damian called over his shoulder.
We searched every red tent hoping she was still alive.
"Damian look," Menxa pointed to a red tent with white rose garlands draped over it. In Palania white roses meant imprisonment and despair.
Serina sat on a pile of yellow cushions her arms tied behind her back.
Damian took out his dagger and cut the rope tied around her wrists.
She looked up at us, puzzled.
"How did you find me?" She asked as Damian helped her to her feet.
"Menxa saw the white roses on the outside of your tent," He smiled.
Serina glared at Menxa as if he had just slapped her across the face. "What's he doing here?"
"He's with us," Azekial explained.
She stared at Damian in disbelief, "You trust him? After he kidnapped me," Serina demanded.
"Can we talk about this later?" I interrupted. "We have bigger more important things to worry about,"

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