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Snow fluttered down from the sky as Caitlyn stared intently out the window of the conference room. The day was almost over and she couldn't help but worry about what came next. She always worried about what came next. Her head throbbed as she sat, listening to Brendon go on about the various articles they needed to finish to meet Depp's deadline at the end of the week. Everything felt wrong. She felt as if her world was crashing around herself as Depp's words swirled around in her mind.

"What the fuck does he want?" Dylan asked suddenly, gaining everyone's attention. Caitlyn looked over and saw Nick walk into the office from the elevator. His cellphone was perched on his ear as he sat at her desk. He turned and smiled at Caitlyn as she quickly stood up and hurried over to him. Nick was silent as the person on the other end of the line spoke. A wicked grin painted his lips.

"I know, Mom," he replied suddenly. "Caity's just been stressed lately, you know? Planning a wedding is stressful." He grabbed a notepad that was nearby and quickly scribbled something out. "You know what, Mom, Caity just walked in. I'll give you to her..." He held up the sign he had written before turning the phone on speaker and handing it to her.

Tell her that everything is fine.

"Caitlyn? Sweetheart, are you there?" Caitlyn glanced nervously at the others, seeing the looks of shock plastered on their faces.

"H-hey, Mom," she said, trying to clear the fear out of her voice. A deep breath of relief escaped the speaker as her mother launched into a rant.

"Caitlyn Jane O'Brien, why the devil haven't you answered any of my calls or texts for nearly two months? I've been worried sick, young lady. Your father's even worried. You can't just disappear on us. Not like your brother." Caitlyn looked over at Dylan and saw the sadness in his gaze. He looked as if he so desperately wanted to grab the phone and talk with the frantic woman. Nick wrote out another note and held it up to Caitlyn.

Tell her you've been overwhelmed with work and planning the wedding.

"I'm sorry, Mom," she whispered, trying to control the waiver in her voice. "I've just... I've been really overwhelmed with work and planning the wedding. I haven't had much free time."

"Is Nick helping much with the wedding plans?" Nick raised his eyebrow in amusement and gave Caitlyn a questioning look before writing something else down.

It'd be a shame if she came to NY to help...

Caitlyn thought back to the time before everything in her life flipped upside down. She took in a deep breath and closed her eyes, imagining the way that Nick was before. She knew that she had to convince her mother that everything was okay. It was either that, or putting her in even more danger.

"Of course he's been helping," she said, her tone switching suddenly. "He's been really great. Honestly, I feel like he's done most of it," she said with a fake laugh.

"Well, that's a relief, sweetheart. I was really worried when you stopped picking up the phone. I'd call Nick, and you wouldn't be around..."

"I'm sorry. Everything's fine."

"Well, sweetheart, I'm glad. Have you gotten much planned? Flowers are important for a wedding. Have you planned the flowers? Violets would be nice. Are you using violets?" Caitlyn felt her breath hitch in her throat as she glanced over at her brother. He covered his mouth with his hand as he shook his head.

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