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Time clicked by slowly as Caitlyn paced the abandoned break room silently. The work day was over, and everyone had left, but Nick had to work late again, so she was left alone in her anxiety.

During lunch, she had bought a pregnancy test but didn't have any time to take it before they had to return. Now she paced the small room silently, willing time to move by faster as she experienced the longest ten minutes of her life. The door to the break room opened suddenly and she turned quickly to see Thomas standing at the door.

"W-what are you doing here?" She asked, realizing that she had forgotten to follow Luke's note. She reached into her pocket suddenly but realized that the crumpled sheet of paper was gone.

"I forgot something," he muttered, walking over to the fridge quickly. "What are you doing here?" She glanced over at the test that sat on the counter and quickly grabbed it, hoping he wouldn't see it.

"Waiting for Nick to get off of work..." she lied, sitting down suddenly. Thomas turned to look at her, closing the door to the fridge as he looked down at the floor.

"What's wrong?" He asked, sitting beside her.

"Why do you care?" She scoffed, looking down at her lap. "I'm just a dumb kid..." Thomas sighed and looked back up at her, biting his lip as he attempted to think of something to say. Caitlyn's mind was racing as she thought of the pregnancy test in her hands. She felt helpless as she thought back to her conversation with Nick earlier. He wanted this... he hoped that she was pregnant with his child even though they were completely and utterly alone. She couldn't help but feel her own hope fading away at the thought of bringing a child into her confusing world.

"I'm sorry," Thomas muttered suddenly. "You're not... just a dumb kid." He took in a deep breath and shook his head. "I shouldn't have said that you don't go through things... and I shouldn't have called you nosey."

"I am nosey," she admitted suddenly. "I always have been... it's my biggest flaw. My family has always told me I need to mind my own business." She tucked her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them. "Except for Dylan," she muttered.

"It's not a flaw," Thomas said, running a hand through his blond hair. "You're just curious... it's understandable when you have no idea what's going on in your life." Caitlyn looked up at him suddenly, seeing the warmth in his brown eyes. "I know it must be frustrating that nobody's telling you anything, but it really is for your own good. There's a lot of shit going on... dangerous shit... you should stay out of it for as long as you can..." Caitlyn bit her lip as she watched him stand up to leave. "And by the way," he muttered, stopping at the door. He turned to look at her suddenly but hesitated. He smiled and looked down at the ground as Caitlyn stared at him in anticipation. "I know you're scared, but... for what it's worth... you'd be a great mum." Before she could say anything, Thomas hurried away. Caitlyn felt her breath hitch in her throat as she clutched the test to her chest. Did he see it? How could he know?

With a shaking breath, she looked down at the test in her hands. Her heart shattered softly as a contradicting breath escaped her lips.


She sat alone for several minutes, the news weighing on her as she thought it through. Even though she was terrified earlier, she couldn't help but feel sad at the result. She couldn't tell if she was sad for herself or for Nick.

The door to the break room opened again and she looked up, feeling a sad smile slip into place as she stared at her fiance. He glanced at the test in her hands and took in a deep breath, looking back into her eyes.

"Well?" He asked. "Are you pregnant?" Caitlyn could see the hope in his eyes as she looked down and shook her head in response.

"No," she muttered. "I'm not." She looked back up at him and saw the sadness in his eyes. She stood up quickly and pulled him into a hug. "It's okay... another day..." he sighed and nodded in response as he held onto her tightly.

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