Act One - Scene 1: A haunting face

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Disclaimer: Nothing is mine but my own mistakes. I'm only using these characters and the series for fictional use.

When Enid introduced me to Wednesday I thought the girl was weird. The stoic expressionless face, the way her hands always remained in front of her in a proper fashion and the pigtails. I've never quite liked pigtails on girls but Wednesday? Somehow it worked for her.

"Y/n." Enid had grabbed my hand before I could get too far. I was on my way up the stairs to my dorm room when she stopped me. "This is Wednesday. She's new." Enid had said once my attention was on her and the new student. I glance from her to Wednesday then back to her with a smile.

"Pleasure to meet you." I say with a nod towards the silent individual. Her eyes flick down my body, sizing me up, before she lifts her head up and stares at me from the tip of her nose.

I stood frozen from the way she was glaring at me. Not sure what to say, but thankfully Enid saved the day and pulled Wednesday away to finish the tour.

Anyways. I didn't think the new girl would find herself in my life much aside from the occasional greeting when Enid lugged her around like the wolf girl does most new recruits. But the day I walked into fencing class, I was floored by the way this girl gave Queen Bianca a run for her money.

"What's going on?" I whisper to Xavier.

"The new girl, Wednesday, came and demanded a duel with Bianca. And she's winning..."

It was an even match alright. Wednesday was a beast with a fencing sword. Okay, maybe she wasn't so bad if she could hold her own against the queen. She was doing all sorts of tricks and flips that Bianca could barely keep up. But, after Wednesday's demand to use no guard on the tips, Bianca bested her at the very last second. Once the fight was over, Bianca being the victor, my interest was lost and I quickly pulled on my mask. I had to admit, Addams was pretty intriguing.

Just as I get into position to spar off with Xavier I hear my name.


I sigh and rip my mask off. "What?"

My coach was glaring at me as he jerked his head towards Wednesday. She had a cut on her forehead and an angry stare in her dark eyes. I stand tall without a single word and make my way over to the pair, passing by a snickering Bianca and her lackey. I ignore them and come to a stop a few feet from Wednesday.

"What do you need coach?"

"Escort miss Addams to the infirmary."

I looked at him, confused, before turning to Wednesday, who looked as if she were about ready to rip anyone's head off if they talked to her. My shoulders deflate and I sigh through my nose.

"Come on then, Addams. Let's get you cleaned up."

I don't give her time to refuse and brush by her arm to head out of the room. Catching Enid and Yoko's gaze as I leave. They were trying hard not to laugh at my misfortune though I stuck it out and made my way out of the training quarters.

I was half way down the hallway before the sound of another set of shoes picked up behind me. Though when the sound stops I turn to my side only to see Wednesday there. It spooked me how quiet she could get when you weren't listening. I flinched and then let the breath I had been holding go.

"Don' that."

"Do what?"

Her expressionless face showed me nothing of what she was feeling by my comment, she didn't even look confused. But her tone sounded confused. I just let my eyes race down her torso and then back up to her face, I blink and then tilt my head at her.

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