Act One - Scene 5: A lost embrace

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⚠️ Disclaimer!!: I own nothing but my own mistakes. And the background revolving the reader. The shows plot and characters are not mine and are just being used for fun.⚠️

A/n: I'm having a hard time not using AU Wednesday in this. But I just want it to be authentic. So I promise not to turn it into some sappy romance, just....a bit gay.


"So this is why you are able to attend Nevermore." Wednesday says a few days after the attack. She came by to see me everyday, a part of me believes it's because she feels somewhat guilty about it. But then, there's that sliver of a chance that she's there because she likes you and wants to make sure you're okay. (Nah, she definitely feels guilty.)

"I'm a psychic, like you and Xavier. But..." I lifted up my shirt to show my stomach and the marks that were still healing. They weren't as horrid looking as a few days ago, but they were still there. "... I'm a healer."

Wednesday's eyes widen as she smirks before it's gone. "Fascinating."

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you."

"We're not obligated to tell each other everything." Wednesday was quick to say. I look down to my lap and slowly clench my hands together.

"How does it work?" She asked.

I blink a few times to rid my thoughts away before answering. "It's not like I'm immortal or anything. I can die if the wounds are unfixable. But I can heal myself and others from the brink of death. The second their heart stops beating and they take their last breath, that's when my powers don't reach. It'll be in necromancer territory by that point."

Wednesday nodded her head, more than likely processing everything.

"Are there any after effects?"

"When I heal myself I get tired. I'm basically recycling my energy so I tire myself out. Once these are healed I'll sleep for days just to get back into the right level of energy."

"And what about others?" She pressed. It makes me sorta giddy knowing she wanted to know about my abilities.

"When I heal someone I can feel the pain in my body so they don't have to feel it anymore but tend to get super tired afterwards. If the wound is deep enough, it'll show up in the same place on my body that it was on the other person. Like if they were transferring the wound from them to me. And if the wound isn't fixable, as I've mentioned before, and I still try to heal that person then my body will replicate the wound until it kills me."

Wednesday was quiet as I explained this, looking as emotionless as ever.

"It's honestly a pain because no matter what, when I use my ability I'm always exhausted afterwards. Having to always heal myself and recycle my energy, it's a shitty ability if you ask me."

She looks up at me and I see her cold facade slip.

"I-..." She turns cold once more just as her gaze lowers to her hands.


She looks at me.

"You don't have to blame yourself, I'm gonna be okay."

"If I would have just gone with you and Eugene instead, you wouldn't have gotten hurt."

"What were you gonna do? Fend off the monster with your nail gun?" I say with a slight scoff. Wednesday's brows lowered into an unamused look. I just sigh.

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