Intermission: Scene 2

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As the adjustment continues, I soon find myself in The Addams's library that was located on the main floor. Morticia caught me reading one day in her garden which was when she offered to show me their, not so secret, library and I've been here for as long as my brain can handle.

It appeared that Gomez had a love for books, something I didn't even bother to ask about. He took the liberty to introduce me to a few of his favorite novels.

"Whatever you see here that interests you, you're more than welcome to borrow it."

I remember him saying, giving me such a warm smile that I had to wonder who was kinder; him or his wife.

So now, I was on my tenth book. Sat in the leather armchair next to the fireplace. The book I had was a book on Law, it was intriguing to see all of the highlighted points and where Gomez had been to read and what he thought was important. Granted, I picked this book up by mistake and haven't been able to put it down since. That's when I learned that he was, in fact, a lawyer. I guess that's where most of his wealth has come from.

I respect this family enough not to just bluntly ask them why they're so wealthy. So I observed. And eventually I found the answer I sought out.

With the book in my hands; the bottom resting on my chest so my face was hidden behind the opened pages, I heard the cry of a string instrument above me.

"Wednesday must be upset."

I lower the book till its laying flat against my chest and see Morticia standing in the door way. Her arms are folded delicately over her chest and she's staring up at the ceiling.

"What makes you say that?" I ask.

She drops her gaze to meet mine and smiles. I will never not get enough of this family and how kindly they smile at me.

"Wednesday practices her cello every night before bed. It's a routine she has etched into her brain." When Morticia stopped I realized she was right. It was like clock work for the daunting girl.

"But when she plays during the day like this, it's because of two things. One: she's hit a snag in her writing and has developed a bad case of writers block. Or... two: something has hindered her in some way and in order to keep her from harming someone she takes her frustrations out on her cello."

Morticia pauses as her slim pale fingers touch the bottom of her chin in thought. "It's a pity she spares a vile individual for causing her such distress." Morticia says. "Hm." She then shrugged her shoulders.

I sit up from my slouched position and place the book off to the side; that was now closed.

That was something I did take notice of Wednesday. She has tortured people before, attempted to harm them, and has harmed them. But she only does it when she's provoked. Or when she feels threatened so she can assert her dominance. But not one time have I seen her lose her temper to the point that she'd hurt someone for the sake of just hurting someone.

"So she has her vices." I murmur.

"Not to sound like a normie parent but,"

I glanced over to where Morticia still stood as she spoke up, reminding me she was there.

"I much prefer she use instruments or writing as something to redirect her mind. Drugs or alcohol will only stunt her performance."


I've smoked with Ajax before and it made me feel so chill but I also didn't want to do anything. I did hear that there's different types of weed but I wasn't as interested in learning them all so I stuck to being sober. For the most part anyways.

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