Act One - Scene 7: Come to me, Eternally

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️⚠️ Disclaimer: I do not own the show, or the characters nor the plot. I'm only using for fanfiction use. Mistakes are mine. ⚠️


I stood next to Wednesday at the funeral for the mayor of Jericho. I remember the night she came to my room and had told me how she watched him get hit, how it shocked her. She said she's seen death before but this was out of nowhere and there was nothing she could do about it. We stood side by side, each holding an umbrella, as the rain pelted down around us. I noticed Tyler and Xavier both looking back at us as if we couldn't see them. I look towards the casket just as I feel Wednesday take a step closer to me and press her shoulder into my arm.

"Everything okay?" I whisper softly. She nods her head but says nothing. I looked back up and watched as they both looked away, Tyler looking angry yet again. I really didn't understand his problem. I barely know the kid and he keeps glaring at me like I stole his favorite toy. I even got him a date with Wednesday, you'd think he'd be thankful for it. I just rolled my eyes and turned my gaze from the service.

Ever since my talk with Wednesday, she's been around more. I was still afraid that she was planning on pushing me away when she didn't show up to my room the next morning. Enid had and pretty much escorted me to my first class but there was Wednesday, waiting for me in Thornhill's class. She let me in on what was going on and everything that I had missed the past few days so I was up to speed. And then we were told that we'd be attending the mayor's funeral the next day so classes were dismissed until then.


I snapped from my thoughts and noticed that the funeral was over.

"Oh, my bad." I say as I turn around to leave but Wednesday's hand on my elbow stops me. I furrowed my brows and looked next to me but she was looking forward.

"Do you see that?" She asked.

I followed her line of sight discreetly and spotted a figure in black clothing. The rim of their hat hides their face.

"Who is that?"

She says nothing as she tugs me to walk with her towards the person. Once we got far enough away from the rest of the mourning party, we ran through the woods as we chased down the figure.

I had noticed that it had stopped raining which only made it worse when the fog started to rise. We stopped in the middle of the trees when we lost sight of the individual and took the time to look around the area. Keeping our eyes and ears open for anything unordinary. As I take a step forward, some heavy footing lands behind us. And in quick Wednesday fashion she unsheaths her sword from her umbrella before striking it towards the stranger. Their reflexes were just as quick, if not faster than Wednesday's, and they caught the blade between their palms. Electricity casting down the steel like a current and zapping Wednesday's hand. She lets the sword go and jumps back.

"Still as sharp as ever, my pig-tailed protege."

She was smiling. A real genuine smile that I had never seen before. One that made my heart beat almost too fast in my chest. Wednesday had never looked more beautiful at that moment.

"Uncle Fester!"

A bald man with a goofy smile appears and he looks at the both of us.

"Hello Wednesday."


"Uncle Fester this is Y/n," Wednesday introduced us as we walked through the woods.

He held his hand out and I took it. When he used his electricity on me I giggled softly and he just looked at me in a peculiar way.

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