Chapter 36: Judgment

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Russell and Tommy were dragged around the woods for hours. Russell thought Blade had intentionally taken a longer route to be annoying. But he knew that they were going back to the village. Which, of course, Russell was not looking forward to. Tommy and Russell avoided vocal conversation because Tommy was partly furious with Russell because of the situation. He knew that they were on an island with his hostile tribe, and this entire time, he never mentioned it once. He blamed the bunny for D1's death... he could imagine her body floating out in the ocean, in the middle of nowhere. To be found by scavengers or eaten by a whale. D1's demise was the least of their worries; next would come public humiliation. The tribe was full of about 104 Omeocoon; Tommy counted them immediately upon entering the front gates. They all showed looks of disgust, disappointment, and shaking of heads as they all walked down the long stone path to damnation. The two were forced up to a building made of adobe, just like the other buildings in the village, but this was one of the largest ones. It contained three stories; it had a towering presence that made it relatively clear that it was the leader's residence. After they'd gotten through the crowd's scrutiny, Blade took them the rest of the way personally and relieved his men at the large wooden double doors leading into the house's interior. As he led them through the house's calm, it featured many pictures of a shorter Russell and four other individuals: two parents, whom Tommy could semi-recognize by way of the merge, but they'd only appeared once or twice. Oscar and Kallum probably saw the most in their combined visions, "What is this place?" Tommy asked Blade as they were forced up the stairs.

Blade glanced back at Tommy, "You mean he didn't tell you about us? This is our Chief's headquarters and residence. His residence." He said, glancing back at Russell. Soon enough, they arrived on the landing on the second floor, and they continued into a narrow hallway. More photos hung on the walls from there, and other personal items were resting in a large china cabinet at the end of the hall. Tommy couldn't get a good look at this floor anyway because the second staircase was at the end of the hallway, so they had no choice but to cross this floor. Blade made their exit just as quickly as their entry. His quickness indicated that they weren't supposed to be up here. After another trip up the staircase at the end of the hall, they arrived on the floor dedicated to leading the tribe. This floor had no personal items, which probably meant it was designed only for business. They moved to the opposite end of the hall to a double door, which was clearly meant to be the leader's office.

 Out of respect, Blade knocked on the door and waited for whoever was inside to answer, and when they did, the trio entered, but when Russell hesitated, Blade pushed him inside. Blade addressed Kallum with a slight bow and then once again made Russell do the same, much to the bunny's disgust. Tommy decided not to show Kallum respect. Because he did not recognize his authority. Russell stood up straight again and emitted a low growl as he spotted this person, who was clearly the oldest brother. The other one, sitting atop the desk, was Oscar, the middle child. That would then make Russell the youngest.

"See, Kallum? I told you it was a trick! He's alive, and he's been on the island the whole time. We caught him trying to search for a 'prisoner,' but I know it's a lie." Blade stated, patting Tommy on the back rather harshly. "We crashed on the beach. We had a ship." Tommy corrected quickly, "Well, it doesn't matter how he got here; the point is... he's back now." Oscar blurted out rather loudly. He seemed to be the more playful one out of the two. His tail swished rather eagerly as he spotted his brother. There was a tight hug between the two just as soon as the moment was ripe, but Russell could not hug him back because he was still restrained; Kallum pulled them apart with a glare. "Remember, he's a deserter." Kallum started, crossing his arms with the same scowl that the other people of the tribe had possessed when Russell and Tommy were moving through for the first time. "Yes, I'm contagious; don't touch me," Russell replied sarcastically as Oscar was pulled away by Kallum, who refused to indulge his brother's sarcasm. "So, after three years of neglecting your family, you've finally decided to return? I'm not surprised. Didn't find city life appealing?" Kallum asked, "On the contrary, it was very nice. I made a few friends, including this one." Russell nudged Tommy, who stepped back to become a spectator in the conversation, "Also, I left because I got tired of your silly rules. And... I don't like your lapdog, and you treated me like a prisoner in my own home. But I guess you found others to boss around after I left." Russell said with a grin, and then he was surprised when Kallum slapped him across the face, "I see your mouth hasn't changed a bit! Just as I remember it!" He said, shouting in Russell's face. Russell retaliated by spitting on Kallum like he'd done to Blade. The reaction was so sudden and unexpected that Kallum reeled back in disgust. "Ugh! What's wrong with you!?" Russell continued to smile, and Blade commented, "Yeah... that's a new one." 

 "While you are here, you will show the proper respect to me as your Leader." He said, stifling his anger and using a rag in the desk drawer to wipe the spit off his cheek. Tommy watched Kallum pull out that drawer filled with goodies. He didn't have a chance to inventory it fully. But he tried not to make it obvious that he was looking at it as Kallum entered it. He made a mental note of it. Later. "Your crime against us is rather obvious, but you're still my brother, lucky for you. You know the procedure, and I'm sure your punishment will be very harsh but not unbearable, so I won't waste any more time with you. Blade," The head of security straightened to attention. "These are now prisoners of your custody... Take Russell to his room and make sure they're comfortable. Just... take them out of my sight." Blade nodded and took them both by the arm, "Come on, you two. Let's move it." Oscar jumped slightly, "Wait. Not so fast." He shuffled off the desktop and chuckled. Blade paused, and Kallum raised an eyebrow, "What." Kallum demanded bluntly. "Not the orange one... I want him for later."

Oscar said rather shyly. He twiddled his thumbs. "What for?" Kallum asked with a head tilt, "I just think he's... cute, that's all. And plus it's not like he's a deserter, he was just caught up in all of this. We shouldn't punish him for Russell's actions." He said softly, and after contemplation, he figured it was best just to ask Tommy, "Do you want to go with my brother... orange one?" Kallum asked, and Tommy. In his most submissive form, nodded like he was tired of being around Russell. Like he was a prisoner of war. Kallum decided to release Tommy; it seemed like he and Blade had developed a secret language because it was with a nod that Tommy was swiftly liberated from his restraints. "You're lucky. But until we can trust you, you'll be under careful watch by my brother." He emphasized 'careful,' and Blade took over, "I guess it's solitary confinement for you."

Tommy and Russell were now separated, and Tommy was left alone with Kallum and Oscar, whose names he already knew, thanks to the merge. "Name?" Kallum asked, leaning up against the desk. "Tommy, it's Tommy." He responded quickly, "Well then, 'Tommy.' Since Oscar has decided to rescue you, you'll stay with him in his room. You'll be comfortable but not free to roam. I'm Kallum, and the one who likes you is Oscar." 

"I know who you are. Russell's mentioned you." Tommy said. Kallum ignored Tommy's interruption and continued slowly. "You'll still need to be a part of my brother's investigation," Kallum said with a straight face. "Investigation? What kind of investigation?" Tommy inquired, and Oscar was inclined to respond to that one, "Well. Whenever someone in the village does something bad, they're put under investigation. We cross-examine the evidence and punish them accordingly." Tommy didn't like that word, punish. As far as he knew, Russell didn't do anything wrong, "What evidence? Blade took our stuff, dude. There is no evidence!" Kallum stifled a laugh and continued. "You must spend too much time with those solids; they've got you thinking in two-dimensional terms; you should know that our evidence goes beyond the physical; we will judge you with a mass merge. You will open your mind and allow Oscar, Blade, and I to cross-examine your thoughts. Russell will also be a part of this merge so that we can see both sides of your story."

"At the same time?" Tommy asked, seemingly amazed. He was merging for the first time just a few weeks ago, and now-- he was going to share his thoughts with four other people at once. "Don't worry, it'll be private. We owe you that much. The judgment will take place in two days from now. You must be exhausted. Relax, and let go of that form. We will return for you when it is time." Oscar took Tommy by the hand and pulled him out of the room and down to the residential part of the building. 

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