Chapter 14: Jason

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Jason was the weakest team member; he was shorter than the other guys and barely had enough muscle to be considered anything more than expendable. His freckles and rounded buck teeth were among his most notable features. He had the honor of being the personal attendant to the ship's captain, who just happened to be his uncle. It was the only way he could qualify to begin with. Jason focused on achieving an off-world education, which his father did not enjoy, which led to him speaking with his brother. Jason is now here, where he didn't want to be. He only looked forward to being on a starship, not as a bounty hunter but as a galaxy traveler, explorer, xenobiologist, or engineer. Jason had to admit that he enjoyed being the Captain's nephew; he did not have to conform to working hours, leaving time to wander around and explore this planet.

On the day of their departure, Devon, his uncle, ordered him to help the droids stack boxes. It was all he trusted him to do, with no military training of any sort. He wasn't even given a weapon unless his sketch pad counted as one. He was doing that before his uncle pulled him aside and told him to stack boxes.

It annoyed him... this planet, called Omeocoon by the rest of the crew, captured his attention in a way that no planet had before had they not been here to get a quick paycheck. Jason would've explored the planet further, forged a relationship with one of the inhabitants... and then become playmates with them. They did that, right? He was sure. The information on Omeocoon could have been more extensive. He'd never seen one take solid shape, but he was interested. He was devastated when their specimen was unrecoverable. How could they leave it behind? So reckless.

Up until 10 minutes ago, everything was fine. Until the droids began hurling cargo everywhere, it was terrifying. Jason had hurried into the ship and left his crew mates to fight the malfunctioning automatons. In his cowardly escape, he had found his way into the canteen, a large circular hub with many benches for crew-on-crew interaction. While searching for somewhere to hide, he bumped into another individual. One who most certainly was not a member of the crew, he observed the creature with a brief moment of interest before he was sucked into darkness and could hardly move. He felt as if he were suspended in anti-gravity; there was still a pocket of air to breathe in, but he was most certainly contained. Great.

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