Chapter 34: Search

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D1 and Kipp tried to launch the probe on three separate occasions; once, the first day they met, during sunset as they'd planet. But later that evening, rain came crashing down suddenly, and the wind was too powerful for the probe's thrusters to navigate the conditions. The second time, on their second day together, Kipp tried to launch it alone, but its gyroscope malfunctioned, and it crashed into one of the valley's walls and had to be rebuilt. But finally, on their third day, the third attempt, they succeeded in launching the damn thing, and D1 was pleased to see it actually fly. Their troubles were over! It was rather refreshing to be with another Omeocoon over those days. 

D1 was able to perform bio-scans of Kipp, providing invaluable information in her studies of the Omeocoon, and in return, she enlightened him in her tales with Tommy and Russell up until they'd been captured. She retold the story in exquisite detail. Kipp would often listen on his 'stomach' with his chin nestled into his palms as his tail wriggled excitedly when she told him about her journey by a campfire. In addition, she could project holographic recreations of Tommy and Russell. Although voice mimicry was not one of her abilities, she tried to do Tommy and Russell's voices as best as possible. Something was better than nothing. Either way, Kipp enjoyed the show immensely; he laughed every time she did it. In his purest form, he was a curious individual with a spark of childlike wonder; he also displayed a remarkable ability for mechanics, claiming to be self-taught, which came in handy when trying to locate her friends.

 When it came time to control the probe, they constructed a relay station out of three dated displays and an ancient control joystick from a child's video game. It was all set up on a bunch of empty cargo crates, probably from a ship long parted out and probably eroded away by the weather. Their balloon launched at dusk and was up in low orbit by sunrise the next day, and they were receiving telemetry. Kipp had to stand on a little wooden step stool to see what he was doing, and D1 did a similar thing, rotating her head until she could barely see the screen. "Let me see what I can see," Kipp stated as he rotated the stick ever so slightly. The first screen was dedicated to the device's status: fuel level, battery state, and other operating factors; the second screen, which was pitch black at the moment, would be for photos as it took pictures, and the final display was a simple rudimentary code, that displayed the location of the craft.

"Testing reaction control.. now," Kipp stated as he moved the stick from left to right, and the device complied. The location screen started transmitting the balloon's position while the one on the far left told the duo what the thrusters were doing regarding burning fuel and battery power. "It looks like it's working. What am I looking for?" Kipp asked, glancing toward D1, and she responded, "It is a small scout ship; it crashed on the other side of the island on a beach; perhaps that is enough to satisfy the search perimeters?" Kipp nodded and began to snap photos, and then he zoomed in on the finished image so they could get in really close. He figured starting right around the island's outermost areas was best. Without any trouble at all, they located The Freedom. It looked to be intact... what was left of it anyway. Based on the still images, unfortunately, she couldn't tell exactly what was what; one downside of transmitting from hundreds of thousands of miles in the air is that the image wasn't exactly studio quality. "Is that it?" Kipp questioned, pointing at the large gray pixelation at the edge of the display. He zoomed out to locate where it was on the island, "Yep, that's it. It looks like it's located on the island's north side... and since we're on the southeast... that puts us nearly a six-day hike?" D1 had already saved the image and started her calculations.

"That is not an issue for me. I will be able to navigate faster alone anyway. Your assistance has been appreciated, Kipp. I shall return with your items in due time. I must gather weaponry and tools and plan an assault on the tribe that captured my friends. Goodbye." She stated deadpan as usual, already setting off toward the nearest exit of the valley. Kipp stepped before her, putting his hands up in protest, "Woah, wait! You can't go out there alone! What about those tribe patrols, the ones who captured Tommy and Russell? Tried to kill you..?"

D1 halted, looking up at Kipp with her head. "I can not ask you to put your life at risk." Kipp scoffed, "That may be the case, but this is my valley, and you used my resources to find your ship. I want to see those parts. Don't try to talk me out of it because nothing you can say will change my mind." Kipp stated, crossing his arms, that D1 thought about it. Seeing how Kipp seemed just as stubborn as another Omeocoon she knew, it appeared she had no choice but to allow Kipp to tag along. "No Omeocoon knows this island better than I do. I just have to set my security system, and we can go." He turned back toward his cave and entered it. This would be a long six days. 

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