XI - MadMax

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Lucy finished writing the third essay that night for Steve's english class. She ran down the stairs, handing the paper to her brother so that he could re-write it in his own handwriting. "Damn, Luce. You're fast." He smiled, "You want it in quarters again?" 

"Just four dollars in quarters, the rest in bills please." She smiled, holding her hand out as her brother dug through his wallet. He handed her sixteen quarters, three ten dollar bills and five ones. "Thanks Steve!" She ran out of the house, hopping on her bike and rode down to Dustin's house. Over the summer the party had taught her how to ride her own bike and she ended up getting one for her birthday in June. It was yellow, of course, and her and Will painted little bees on the sides of it. She had her super-com in the water bottle sleeve of her backpack and heard it go off as she got closer to the Henderson's house. 

"Lucas, you copy? I've got four quarters. What's your haul?" 

Lucy smiled, pulling the TRC out and talking into it as she pulled up outside Dustin's house. "Only four? Damn Dust, I got sixteen." She smirked, skipping up to his door and knocking.

"What!? How did you-" Dustin huffed. "Lucas, what about you?"

"Take your puny haul and multiply it by five." Lucas spoke into his com. 


"While you were scrounging around like a homeless bum, I mowed Old Man Humphrey's lawn." 

"Old Man Humphrey's got that kinda cash?"

Lucy turned off her TRC when she heard the lock on the door click. Mrs. Henderson opened up the door and Lucy smiled. "Hi, Mrs. Henderson, is Dustin still here or did he leave already?" She asked, already knowing the answer.

"Oh, he's just in his room, dear. Please, come in." The woman smiled, pulling the door further open and letting Lucy slip inside.

"Thank you, Mrs. Henderson." 

"Of course, dear."  Lucy ran into Dustin's room, ignoring the crashing sound that came from his older sisters room, and throwing his door open to jump onto the bed beside him. 

He smiled at her, laughing. "Hey, Mike, do you copy? Mike, do you copy?"

"Yeah. Yeah, I copy."

"What the hell are you doing on this channel?"


"Well Lucas, Lucy and I have ten bucks total. What's your haul?" 

"Sh- Shit! I- I don't know yet."

Lucy stole the radio from Dustin, scolding Mike. "What do you mean you don't know yet? We're meeting in like five minutes!" 

"Hold on. Call Will." 

Lucy laid down with a huff, "How can he not know yet!" She hung her head off the bed so it was right next to Dustin's, her feet pushed up against the wall.

"Whatever, let's call Will." Dustin shook his head with a smile, pulling the super-com from Lucy's hands. 


Mike, Lucas, Dustin and Lucy all rode up to the arcade together, locking up their bikes in the bike rack. They heard a car horn and turned to see Will in Joyce's car, waving over at them. 

"Hey!" Lucas yelled, waving over.

"Hi Will!" Lucy shouted, bouncing on her feet. She was excited to get in and beat her current high score on Tetris, nobody had been able to top her yet and it was her favorite game. The four of them ran inside, waiting for Will. 

[ 𝚃𝚠𝚒𝚐𝚜 & 𝙳𝚒𝚛𝚝 ] ~ 𝙳𝚞𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚗 𝙷𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚘𝚗 𝚡 𝙾𝚌Where stories live. Discover now