ch#9 welcome republic

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Location:falmart/republic base/

Jason tells the soldier information when visitors arrived.

Jason:alright everyone! We have visitors is Mr President for a couple minutes!

The Soldier's was a shock hearing, the leader is coming. and the bunny tribe said.


Rpb rifle fem:yeah?

Bunny1:what's Mr President?

Rpb rifle fem:the president is a good leader and they love people, help poor and hates slave

The Bunny tribe was shocked and she said the leader hate slaves. The bunny gets excited now.

Bunny1:I wonder, looks like?

Bunny2:is it boy? or girl?

Rpb rifle fem:is a boy and don't say kid okay?

The Bunny tribe was shocked.

Bunny1:wait! your leader is a kid?!

Rpb rifle fem:yes don't say a word ok?


Rpb rifle fem:anyway what's your name?

Delilah:*smile* Delilah.

Rpb rifle rose:*smile* pretty name! and I'm rose

Rpb rifle rose:*smile* pretty name! and I'm roseLook:

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Delilah:*enjoy*pretty name!

Rpb rifle rose:*smile*why thank you we're gonna good friends!


Rose and Delilah hive five together. The other bunny tribe got jealous they don't have friends from republic soldiers.

Minutes later.....

The President Car and 5 armor car has arrived. The soldiers all salute, tyuule and bunny tribe prepare the line. Then car has stop. Two Royal guards open the door until.....

Tyuule, All bunny:*gasp!*

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Tyuule, All bunny:*gasp!*

Tyuule and bunny tribe shock a demi-human is a leader of the republic.

And another outside is.

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