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                                                                          the reassurance we need

i have loved you

when i wasn't supposed to.

when our love

was nothing but

a mere idea.

and when 

the world sought

to ruin this thing,

by spreading lies,

i have loved you.

when we fight

and bicker 

and pull each other

incredibly thin,

my love for you

is there continually.

after we have wronged

one another,

falling short of

the glory of God,

i still love you.

i have been through

the trenches.

to the ends of the earth

and to the moon and back.

i have been alongside you

when no one else could.

you have taken my being

and gently disregarded it.

i have hurt.

and yet,

my love for you

only deepens.

i have been

an after thought,


and perhaps used;

my love,

nothing can keep me

from continuing

to unconditionally love you.

my life has become

one big commitment 

to you and your life.

not much can be done

to drive me far from you.

because rain or shine.

i will be strolling along,

to see you one more time.

i have not regretted

a single precious moment with you.

i have loved all my days

learning of who you are

and who you will be.

i have loved the time

we spent living life

like we couldn't before.

even when the forces

in our lives

seemed to be pulling us away;

when i lie in bed

silently weeping,

realizing life will never be the same;

my growing love for you and for us

will not cease to be.

through the hardships

and disapproval,

i will continue to stand

by your side,

for i have nowhere else to be.

whether we exist in the right or the wrong,

you know,

my dear,

i will be there with you.

for this is a love

that is aging and maturing.

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