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                                                                                      so this is love

so this is love...

speaking little ideas

into existence.

giving and taking.

making days.

wishing good nights.

kissing goodbye.

dreaming of the next time

we get a sliver of eternity

with each other.

planning out our future.

disregarding our in-sovereignty.

thinking nothing could possibly

tear us apart at this point.

believing our reality

can be whatever we make of it.

holding on to the sweet words

and few moments we have.

grasping out for something

more than what this was.

embracing the little we have

because we know

it is more than enough

to get us through life

...so long as...

we still have each other.

growing closer and closer

until we know the secrets

that keep us up at night.

basking in the nostalgia

of when we were nothing

but strangers with interest

and determination.

assuring all will be well and

little by little everything

we wish to be will be;

for we will make it together.

our dreams will be a reality...

someday soon; and at this rate,

you helping me and me helping you,

we will be standing in awe

of all that we have.

Lord willing.

so this is love.

it is more than that feeling.

it is more than just

waiting or serving or touching

caring or thinking or promising

telling or beholding or taking--

it is more than any one word

in any one human language.

it is the indescribable,

the truly "unobtainable".

the purest thing...

so this is love.

the experience

i struggle to describe.

even if i had

every fancy word

in existence,

i would stutter and stammer

and go mad trying--

trying to explain to you

what our love is.

(it is as if i am trying

to paint a Michelangelo.

but as the amateur i am).

...nothing i say does love justice.

and to think

to daydream and imagine,

it can be better;

it can grow deeper

and more intimate

and tender and sweet,

so so sweet.

it will become something

everyone will have to reverence.

i must be in a slumber.

you know,

we could look back

and laugh

at us in the now,

for ever believing we have it good.

we have yet to experience the most of it.

we cannot fathom this.

i assume it is love,

because what else could it be?

it is nothing i have ever known.

surely this is love.

yes, i know it is.

but imagine it, my dear, 

imagine it with me.

what will this be

in a few years. or

when we are no longer

young and beautiful.

when we have grown and matured

to be in the prime of our lives.

no doubt

we will endure

the thick and thin,

the best and worst.

but in the end,

we will lie side by side

on death's bed,

hand in hand,

and say with certainty:

so this is love.

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