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                                                                              "a goddess of beauty"

"a goddess of beauty"

that is what you called me.

i laughed,

because i am just a man.

as human as you are.

how could i be a goddess

and still be flawed?

love is blinding you.

i am far below

where you may think i am.

i am far from perfect.

what i am

is not beauty.

but you make me believe

perhaps i am.

you could not understand.

you have given me confidence

in the things i once doubted.

i thank God for you.


you could not understand,

because i barely understand.

how is it

that a single boy could do all this?

do you know

that i want to be

my best self

when i speak to you

or when i am with you?

this is what you do to me.

not only do you melt my world

until it is warm and sweet,

but you better me.


how do you do it?

i have tried and tried

but i fail myself every time.

perhaps i am scared to fail you.

i trust you

and i trust God's plan.

but i am still my fallen self.

i am afraid of ruining it all.

there is so much i wish to do

and so much i wish to say;

but none of that will matter

if i go and mess things up.

i am scared of losing

the good thing which is you.


"For i love you better

Than the whole world;

And though

I will die for you


It would be like

All the joys of Paradise

To live on

And spend my life

In your service."

- Robert Louis Stevenson

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