On Temporary Hiatus. read for info.

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Okay, I'll admit, I look like I'm abandoning this book but I'm not. I've got a Huge project going on that's probably gonna be a few hundred parts long Minimum so its a Full on hands on the Deck full attention and all. I Apologise once again but to make it up I'm Gonna explain what the next part was about. Torque and Red were sitting next to a Camp-fire and Red is telling stories of how he wasn't easily spotted and how he hid from X-Com and Advent. A sorta filler and a Lore part. I also planned on it being a bit of a dive on how Red became so feared as a Vigilante but hey, I can't be a winner or a lover becuase I have not folded at all. Take a meme, I hope you all will stay, I won't post this project until its completed in order to give myself time and breathing space. Take a meme and be happy for a small bit atleast.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Mar 01, 2023 ⏰

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