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"I'm gonna burn you alive."

The noise of clatter could be heard, pieces of hard and polished pieces of plastic being tossed around on the playing mat where they originally rested peacefully only to be angrily grabbed and shoved away by a pale hand of a curse that uttered the past words with an insanely amount of anger and frustration as the other curses around the table that rested on a balcony, with the shadow of the roof protecting them from the burning sun that shone outside with the healthy greenery behind them as a background, could only watch the volcano curse yell at Kenjaku with rage blinding his vision, mentioned curse occupying the body of Suguru Geto, a curse user who had been killed not even a year ago by Satoru Gojo.

The reason behind his blinding anger? Kenjaku had not even a moment ago asked the impossible from them, them referring to Mahito, Jogo, and Hanami. They didn't know that the prison realm had such far-fetched conditions to fill for it to be used. Or more, the conditions were so far-fetched because of the being that they wanted to seal inside of it, this person being Satoru Gojo, the strongest sorcerer in this era. Jogo had fought against the sorcerer before, and it didn't take a genius to understand that to manage to keep Gojo within a four-meter radius from the prison realm for one minute long, was as good as hoping to survive against the sun exploding into the solar system. It was impossible, beyond hopeless at that point. Surely, Kenjaku took them for a nice bunch of idiots. Even with all the distractions they could manage to put in Gojo's way, it would be impossible beyond infinity.

"Things are getting a little heated here, Jogo." Kenjaku calmly replaced the pieces of plastic that Jogo had scattered all around the table, not a bit fazed by the outburst of Jogo as he kept a neutral expression on his face. He had expected this kind of reaction from Jogo.

"Don't worry. When I say one minute, it's one minute worth of time inside Gojo's brain." Kenjaku replaced his pieces and made the next move, thus making him the winner of the match they were playing. As Jogo calmed down, Mahito whined in disappointment as he had lost this match.

"Simple as that. Gojo is sure to be sealed now, am I not right?" Asked Kenjaku with an obvious hint of teasing in his tone as he made eye contact with the volcano curse who only clicked his tongue in annoyance.

"But before sealing Gojo, we have to kill someone that can become just as dangerous as Gojo himself." Stated the corpse of Geto as he let Mahito restart a match of the game, the human-looking curse still listening to Kenjaku carefully.

"There's no other sorcerer as powerful as Satoru Gojo." Scoffed Jogo as he was the first to make a move in the match, Mahito being the second as he followed the actions of Jogo.

"Oh, you would be surprised, Jogo." Continued Kenjaku as he patiently waited for his turn to play, his eyes now back on the surfaces of the white plastic pieces on the table positioned in front of everyone around the table.

"Gojo has a son that is currently studying at Tokyo Jujutsu High." Following this unexpected news from Kenjaku, silence reigned over the small group of four, all eyes now resting on the unfazed form of the fake Geto Suguru who simply made a move into the game.

"Even if at the moment he is not an eminent threat, after Gojo is sealed it's another story." Calmly stated the curse as he now waited for Jogo to make a move, now that it was the volcano curse's turn.

"Even if the child isn't aware of his father's identity, the two of them still are close." Mahito hummed as he also waited for Jogo's move while listening to Kenjaku, understanding where he is going with his explanation. If Gojo was sealed but his son was still alive, it was likely that this guy would want to come after them to kill them. The simple fact that he was Gojo's son made him a threat. But a thought that he couldn't help but share with everyone went through his mind.

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