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There are only a few in the world that understand how it is a blessing to be understood by people around you, or even only one person. Even if those people realize the value of this, that does not mean that they have it. It is like knowing the price of something but not having mentioned thing. The only difference is, that when you know that there is no one in the world that seems to understand you, it hurts. Some people may say as a form of comfort to someone else that they understand them, but that does not mean that they truly know or understand. In the end, those people that try to comfort only end up being annoying or even seem to know it all, making them look superior, for some reason. As if it didn't matter to feel truly and genuinely understood. They are liars. But, some will truly say those words because it is the truth, they understand the other's situation and make the other feel understood for the first time in a while. Some can try to understand, but they will never achieve this goal, or some will say that they do truly try to understand, but in reality, they completely do not care.

But working on that reasoning, some people that don't feel understood sometimes don't realize that they are understood by someone and they only push away everyone because they don't believe that anyone except themselves will understand, mainly because no one understood them before, or because they think they know it all or that they have it worse than anyone. When someone is so absorbed in their problems and issues, they can fail to realize that there are people for them and that they are understood by them. This issue is so abstract and has so many possibilities that it is impossible to reach the end of this discussion about mutual understanding between humans.

Understanding someone can be hard and difficult. One should not blame another for not understanding them unless this mentioned person pretends to understand or doesn't try to understand. We are all humans and we are all flawless. There are also only a few people that can understand the imperfection of human beings and sometimes, ask too much from them or themselves.

Al was never understood by anyone but himself. It's not like others tried to understand him either. He was so much different from the others since his mother gave birth to him. Even before his technique awakened, everywhere he went, he would always be the black sheep. Someone that didn't fit no matter what. It only got worse after his technique awoke. He first hated his technique, something so strange that even himself, the epitome of the word weird and different. But more the time would pass, weeks becoming months, and months becoming years, he had understood that his difference defined who he was and that if he refused to understand and acknowledge his own person, he would be no better than all of the people that kept on looking at him with disgusted look instead of knowing him better.

His technique allowed him to take the form and technique of any curse that he would absorb. For him to absorb a curse, he could either eat it entirely or absorb it through his skin like a paper towel. The only constraint, he could not exorcise the curse before absorbing it. A technique not so hard to understand.

But the more Al thought about it, and more he was convinced that thanks to him, all those curses that he had absorbed were still alive inside of him. All those curses were living through him. If they were now all sharing the same body, his body, they had to understand each other. He was the only one that could understand curses as well as him. Like him, they were misunderstood by everyone and nobody even tried to understand them. Curses were somewhat his only friends. They were angry against the world, all those people who were so 'normal' and understood. They hated them all. It got to a point where Al didn't even consider himself human anymore, for him, he was more a curse than a human. And that is how he thought of a plan where he and all the curses would live in peace.

His goal, killing all jujutsu sorcerers until the whole world would notice his actions, causing all sorts of negative emotions that humans had to multiply the number of curses, bringing even more dead bodies and negative emotions into the mix, thus giving birth to even more curses and the cycle would go on and on. All he had to do was to feed the fear of the populace until only curses remained. Of course, he expected that the sorcerers wouldn't remain indifferent to this and he prepared himself for the future.

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