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"Did you hear? There was another murder at Brussels?" Muttered not so quietly an aged woman, gray hair and wrinkles slowly taking over her as the effects of aging started to show on her body. She was eating with her friend in a restaurant dedicated for breakfast, the windows offering the outside view of the streets on their sides with the sunlight shining on them and their table. Her friend seated in front of her lifted her eyebrows in judgment as if she wasn't surprised anymore by this kind of news they were getting in the newspaper. She cut her egg with her fork and butter knife, her wrinkled skin slightly moving along her movements as she cut through the food, breaking the egg yolk into two parts, the liquid inside quickly tainting the whole plate into its yellow color.

"No I didn't, but it doesn't surprise me!" She answered as she swallowed her bite before taking a small piece of her toast to swipe it all around her plate, the toast absorbing the liquid of the egg yolk she cut a moment ago before putting it in her mouth.

"Don't you think it's getting a little bit chaotic in Belgium? All those murders! And the police still can't find the murderer..." Sighed worriedly the other woman as she stared down at the food that she had started to eat. The poor woman had family living in Belgium, and thinking that some of them might get hurt, or even killed, kept her awake more than one night.

"Soon enough, they'll need the help of the army!" Added the older woman as she shook her head with a sigh. She picked up her fork and knife and started to eat again, trying to reassure herself that her family would be fine.

"It'll eventually come to this. They said the murders seemed almost inhuman as if some kind of monster would be the one doing all of this." The other woman paled slightly at the information that she heard from her friend. She swallowed hardly her food before putting her knife and fork back on her plate, losing once again her appetite.

"What do you mean?"

"The bodies were in a state, oh lord...Bless their poor souls!" Exclaimed the woman, readjusting her glasses as she continued.

"I don't know if the last one was found in the same state as the others, but the others were in such a horrible state! No human could have possibly done such horrible things!" The woman lifted her eyes from her food, staring at her friend in front of her who was as pale as a ghost. She sighed in sadness and put her wrinkled hand on top of her friend's one, bringing some sort of comfort to the worried woman.

"Ann, I'm sure you're family will be alright." Reassured the woman, Ann slightly smiling, her appetite coming back as some of her worries were slightly lifted from her shoulders. She nodded softly, agreeing with her friend.

"You're right!" And as quick as it came, the heavy atmosphere of concern vanished as the two friends continued on their breakfast with light chattings of brighter subjects.

'Bodies found in horrible conditions?...'

Leoni lowered his newspaper, putting it back on the table in front of him. He was reading the news, as usual when he had heard the conversations of the two older ladies behind him, finding this case rather strange and unusual. He would even confidently say that it could be the work of a curse if he based it on what the woman had said. Something so horrible that it seemed impossible for a human to accomplish such things. Leoni knew that humans were cruel and that nothing could stop them if they were crazy enough, but he could also easily compare the work of a curse or a cursed user and a simple civilian that had drowned in craziness.

At the moment, he was somewhere in the north of the United States. He had been there for almost two weeks, traveling all around the country to find curses and fellow jujutsu sorcerers. The USA had not the prettiest landscapes in the world, but he surely found some amazing ones that left him speechless. In his opinion, the prettiest views were in Africa, More specifically in Morroco and Egypt, with the beautiful, endless, and deadly deserts, and the sunsets being absolutely breathtaking. There was also Iceland that never missed to leave him speechless at the sight of its landscapes. If someone wanted a top ten of the prettiest landscapes in the world, they just had to ask Leoni.

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