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    Thinking about it, everything was strange, in one way or another. There will always be some unanswered questions. But, even if a lot of questions can be answered nowadays, thanks to the scientists all over the world with the mission of answering the questions humanity had, playing gods as they prove the impossible to the populace who don't understand a word of their gobbledygook, but a majority of them still believe their words, some questions will stay unanswered for until eternity. Not everything can be known, unfortunately, or fortunately, it depends on how someone may perceive the world. Everyone had a different view of the world, and even if there were thoughts similar on the subject, everyone has their strange and unique mix of their vision of the world. Some may be more macabre with a hint of maturity in it like some may be the total opposite, a view of the world being wonderful and nothing but beautiful. While it is not completely false, it surely is not the truth either. There may be also the in-between. A mix of the two sides, one filled with a warm light and optimism while the other side is an endless void of darkness and despair with no escape. This world is not perfect, certainly not, but perfection never existed and it never will. But there can be joy and warmth in this same world that we all live in. These thoughts change with the person, of course. Everyone on this small planet is their own person. Everyone is unique.

Going back to the subject. Many questions remained unanswered, and while for some it caused a great amount of anxiety and stress, some didn't really bother to try to find the answers to them. What type of questions would those people want answers to so desperately?  All kinds of questions. From why are there clouds in the sky from what's after death. Even if, sometimes, there could be many answers to one question, that didn't necessarily mean that it was the truth. Like the popular question of what is after death. There are many answers to that question, such as heaven and hell, reincarnation, rebirth as an animal, rebirth as a star, rebirth in another universe, or simply nothing, was there one answer in between all of the answers out there that was right? Humans had a vague idea of what happens before dying, such as having flashbacks of their entire life. Or was this happening to only the ones that would overcome death? Was this an attempt from the brain for the body to do something as there were still hopes of survival, and every time, the body would obey to the brain or just sheer luck would take place, saving this person's life. But what if the ones that really had no hopes of surviving went through another process before dying? Nobody knew as there was no one that could answer this complex question. There truly was an infinite number of possibilities when questions were asked about death.

Only the dead knew of this answer and unfortunately, dead people couldn't talk.

When Leoni's mother and Misaki died, he never thought of what happened to them now that they are dead. They were dead, his mother reduced in a fancy vase in his living room, a picture of his mother smiling next to the urn containing her ashes while for Misaki, she has been buried shortly after her death. Leoni was emotionless at her funeral, his eyes distant and dull the whole ceremony, contrasting with the crying family members. During the whole ceremony, Gojo was at his side, asking from time to time if he was alright. But the only answers that Gojo received were quiet, almost inexistent hums, his eyes not looking at Gojo's figure one time. After the ceremony, Leoni stayed at her grave, not wanting to leave her alone. Gojo tried to convince him that Leoni should go back to his house, but the teen only ignored the older sorcerer. Or was Leoni just too focused on his best friend's grave to even mind him anymore, just wanting to spend more time in her company? Eventually, Gojo had to drag Leoni to his house. They didn't utter a word as they walked slowly, Leoni keeping his eyes on the ground the whole way back to his home. Gojo concluded that Leoni only needed some time to himself.

It was when Leoni was in his bed, that he could cry again, his pillow absorbing his tears as he sobbed and cried for hours until he had no energy anymore, falling asleep with a dry throat and damp eyes.

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