24 | The Revelation

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"Olivia is onto you, but now you have the upper hand. Can you setup a trap before you fall into one yourself?"


A car drove up to the front of the motel and we turned our attention to it.

"What are the chances those are the people we are looking for?" I asked.

"Let's keep our fingers crossed."

The car door opened and the both of us leaned back in shock.

"It's Olivia!" I exclaimed.

"Why would she be tracking us?"

"What if... she is working for your dad?"

"But why? Olivia has never been involved in the business. As far as I know, she is unaware of what goes on behind the scenes."

"Well, maybe she became aware. And she is the last person you would expect."

You glanced over at the entrance of the motel, chewing your bottom lip, then you nodded resolutely. "Either way, we need to follow her. Come on."

Together, we exited the car and headed for the motel. I wrinkled my nose at the damp smell as we entered the motel's reception area.

The guy behind the counter had his earbuds in, his eyes fixed on the computer in front of him and he did not notice our presence.

"How do you want to approach this?" you asked.

"Follow my lead."

I hooked my arm with yours and approached the reception desk. 

The man finally took notice and pulled out his earbuds. "Afternoon, folks! How can I help you?"

"Hi! We are meeting a friend of ours, but silly me forgot the room number!" I spoke.

"She probably came in a little earlier. Tall, redhead," you said.

"Oh! Right. Room 3B, first floor."

"Thank you."

Together, we headed upstairs to find Olivia's room. We reached room 3B and quietly approached the door. You leaned forward to listen in and gave me a nod.

You lowered your voice to a whisper. "There is someone inside."

I lowered my voice to a whisper. "Let's kick down the door, then."

"So, it's guns blazing? As you wish, Piccola."

You took out your gun, and with just one kick, you knocked down the door, breaking the handle. "Keep your hands up!"

Olivia lifted her hands, eyes wide as she fully turned to face the two of us. "What are you doing, Jungkook?"

"I could ask you the same damn thing, Olivia." you yelled.

She looked at me with a venomous gaze, then pleadingly turned to you. "You can't trust her, Jungkook! She was sent to kill you!"

"I am not going to harm him," I explained.

"You might have fooled Jungkook, but you can never fool me! I know exactly what you are doing, Park Eun Jeong!"

"How do you know who she is? Where did you get that information from?" you inquired.

Olivia blinked in confusion. "W-Wait! You know who she is?!"

"I do. And I definitely trust her more than I trust you."

My heart skipped a beat at those words, but I ignored the brief feeling of elevation and focused on the task at hand. "You are going to tell us exactly who sent you."

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