20 | Night Full Of Suprises

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Insight into the chapter

"Chan Yeol Jeon does not think you are a good match for him! Let's prove him wrong!"


"Jungkook is going to marry Olivia."

"He is going to... what?!"

My heart lodged itself in my throat, but I remembered that the man before me is a master manipulator and considered me to be lesser.

All because he thinks I don't have the money or prestige to be with his son.

"With all due respect, Mr. Jeon, Jungkook and I are together, and I am planning to make that the same for another fifty years. If he was engaged, he would not even be with me. That's not the sort of man he is."

"Many boys have a passing fling before they settle. It's no different in this case."

I clenched my fist at my sides. His nonchalant dismissal of my relationship with you left me upset, even though I can't quite pinpoint why.

I should not even care what he thinks. It's not like it matters! And it's not like he gets it. He does not understand the connection I and Jungkook have. But I still have to tread carefully. I don't want Jungkook getting into trouble because of me.

When I did not reply, Chan Yeol Jeon sighed and took a step closer. I averted my eyes so as not to meet his gaze.

"Miss Park, you seem like a sweet, kind girl. But with the future that lies ahead of Jungkook, he needs someone who will be able to handle it. And I don't believe that you can."

Wait! Does that mean he is looking for a wife that will be ready to deal with the crime business? A business Jungkook want out of completely. But I still got to act oblivious.

"I will have you know I can handle anything. I have been looking after myself ever since I was little. So, I would appreciate it if you did not judge me right off the bat about what I can or can't do."

"You don't understand, Eun Jeong. I am doing this as a courtesy to you. The sooner this ends with Jungkook, the better it will be for the both of you." He reached into the inner pocket of his suit jacket and took out a pen and a checkbook. "How much would it take?"

"I am sorry, what?"

"Name a number and I will write it down. You can cash it out first thing in the morning."

"Are you bribing me to leave your son?!"

"I would rather call it an incentive."

"I... What kind of father does this?"

His brows furrowed in a frown and tightened his grip on the checkbook in his hand. "One who is looking out for his only son. It would serve you well to just accept my offer, Eun Jeong."

So, you are desperate to push me out of your son's life huh? He just can't help himself. He won't stop until he has full control over Jungkook! I am not about to let him push me around or go behind Jungkook's back like this. You are about to see how much I can handle myself, Chan Yeol Jeon.

I straightened my back and cleared my throat. With a steely determination, I met his gaze. "I am sorry that you think so little of me, Mr. Jeon. After all, I am just a masseuse, right? You probably think I am a gold digger."

"I said no such thing."

"And yet you think I will leave Jungkook if you write me a fat enough check. It's not like I am not used to it, people thinking I am dumb and greedy. But I expected you would be better than that."

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