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It only gets worse when Lisa cuts her hair, showing up so confident and so full of herself at the practicing room, reminding Rosé of the day she first saw the younger one, but this time she wasn't petrified because of fear — it was only and entirely because Lisa looked breathtaking, like she came outside of her childhood fantasies of what a perfect girlfriend would look like.

Rosé even forgets she's the older one between them for a second, feeling so small and childish under Lisa's gaze that it was hard to breathe when the girl made her way towards her frozen body, hugging the taller's waist excitedly, completely unaware of what that simple gesture was doing to Rosé's emotions.

"Did you like it?" Lisa asked, her cute whisker dimples showing as her lips curled up, both eyes glowing in expectation as she looked up at the taller girl.

"You look beautiful." Rosé said in an almost whisper, breath caught in her throat as she felt her heartbeat ringing through her ears.

Rosé's situation only got worse when Lisa blushed and hid her face at the crook of her neck, hot breath tickling the dancer's skin but she didn't dare to move, not when Lisa's body felt so warm pressed against her own.

The short hair not only made Lisa look prettier, but made her dance harder than she did before. Her steps were precise, confident, like she wanted to burn the ground she was stepping on, and it was mind blowing. Rosé had never seen someone improve so much in such a short amount of time, and she couldn't help but to be overwhelmed with pride towards the smaller girl.

If anything, Lisa's growing passion brought them even closer than before, if that was possible. They spent countless nights stuck in the practice room coming up with new choreographies, sharpening moves and becoming skilled dancers.

The other trainees — and even the agency themselves — were blown away by their improvement, wondering how it was possible to come up with such incredible movements in such a short time.

Rosé knows she's only pushing herself to do her best, to spend nights awake, to her own limits, because of Lisa. The girl... inspires her. The burning passion that glows inside of Lisa's eyes is something Rosé's sure she had never seen before — it burns, but it feels good. It makes her want to become a better person, to easily glow in the dark like Lisa always did.

And that's when Rosé realizes that, as much as she tries to keep herself busy with training, with her uncertain future, with her dreams, Lisa would always be there, at the back of her mind, glowing.

Because, after shining over her dark thoughts for so long, Lisa becomes one of her dreams, too.

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