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Chapter 136 The oil bottle for reorganizing the family (31)

  Huanong's official scarf has always been taken care of by the administration teacher, and there is not so much news to broadcast for updates after the summer vacation, so the last one is only the next day.

  Before it was time to log in, she was bombarded with countless calls asking her to go up and look at the scarf.

  I went up to see, okay, the inbox is full, and the real-time message 999+, it took a while to log in smoothly.

  My heart skipped a beat, what happened? Has Huanong been hung up by netizens? What can I do!
  Fortunately, it was not bad news in the end, but that #国国女女儿# and #全能卷妹# volunteered to fill in my school for the college entrance examination.

  Flattered! ! !
  Hurry up and report to the principal.

  The principal received the news one step ahead of her, and at the moment she was being teased by a group of colleagues in the principal group.

  The gray-haired Principal Huanong was very happy, and let them joke and ridicule him.

  To be able to recruit such outstanding students, what's wrong with being teased a few times, and there will be no shortage of meat.

  Less would be better, my daughter-in-law thinks that he has put on weight recently, and wants him to lose weight, so that he doesn't get high at that time.

  On the same day, Principal Huanong carefully drafted a welcome speech in person, and asked the administration to send it to the scarf in time.

  Posting late, I'm afraid netizens think Huanong doesn't welcome Xu Yin.

  The welcome speech is very long, to the effect that Xu Yin is warmly welcomed to join the big family of Huanong. Although Huanong is not comparable to famous schools such as Huada and Peking University, it is also blessed with titles such as 985, 211, and double first-class A universities. Life science, animal medicine, food science and other fields are also among the best in China. In recent years, Huanong has also invested a lot of manpower and material resources in weak subjects. I believe that after a period of development, it will become better...

  Because of @徐阳, Xu Yin replied immediately after going online:
  [Thank you! I will work hard! ]
  Now, netizens all over the country know that Xu Yin voluntarily applied for Huanong in the college entrance examination, it's not a rumor, it's true! ! !

  @科技兴农: [Shocked! ! ! Since you like agronomy, why don't you come to our Imperial University! Our Dida Agricultural College is also very awesome! Our professors like you very much! Blame me! Didn't I just leave for a few days, I missed 100 million! Otherwise, I would be able to call your little junior sister... woo woo woo... I was scolded by my instructor like a bloody squirt! ]
  Other netizens:

  [Ah! Juanmei, are you being forced? Forced to blink! We are here to save you! ]
  [Unexpected! ]
  [I never expected it! ]
  [Okay! The rumor has been verified! But can you enlighten us? With so many schools and majors to choose from, why did I choose Huanong? (Statement: I'm not looking down on Huanong, it's just that I can't figure it out)] There are
  so many people who are popular, and if there are too many fans, there will always be a few black fans, scolding Xu Yin for being kicked by a donkey. She can go to a better school to serve the motherland, but why? I chose Huanong, who is ranked 30+ in China.

  At this time, Xu Yin's head teacher, Teacher Feng, registered a bib account with the help of the students, and posted a long comment to clarify the confusion of netizens: [I am Xu Yin's class teacher for three years in high school. This kid is studious and self-disciplined

  . It can be said that it is the most worry-free one among the students I have taught.

  She never needs our teacher to worry about her studies and the competition tasks assigned to her by the school. In other words, the work and rest schedule she made herself is far more full and strict than that arranged by our teachers.

  She chose Huanong not on a temporary basis. She revealed two years ago that the university wanted to learn something different. It's just that I thought she was talking about science and engineering at the time, because her science scores have always been solid and solid.

  Until the day she came to hand in the application form, I was about to have a heart attack when I saw her first application written in beautiful lowercase letters. Probably none of you would have guessed that she applied for Huanong's brewing skills.

  She explained that China was the first country to master wine-making technology, but when it comes to the world's top famous wines, they are all abroad.

  She said that she wanted to try to brew an altar of wine that would amaze the world. She said that she would try to compress the knowledge of four years of university in two years, and if it didn't work, she would wait for her for a few more years.

  Life seems long, but in fact it is very short. She is afraid that if she does not try now, she may not have the chance in the future.

  She told me not to worry, saying that she would not live up to my expectations of her, but before that, let her have a dream come true. ]
  After seeing Mr. Feng's scarf, netizens were moved, forwarded it and commented to express their support:
  [Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ]
  [Girl Goose, just take a long vacation for yourself, go and learn whatever you want! What is missing? Squeak. ]
  [It turns out that Juanmei likes to make wine, no wonder she has made a similar vlog before. ]
  [Sister Juan, let's discuss, when will the wine be brewed, and I will share it with my sister. ]
  [Brother-in-law wants too. ]
  [Go upstairs! ]
  [Actually, I also had a dream in high school, but unfortunately it was buried by reality and trivialities. Juanmei has a right saying: If you don't try now, you may not have a chance in the future. ]
  [The contradiction between dreams and reality, but Juanmei has managed to "shine into reality". ]
  [Come on curly girl! ]
  Everyone started posting some of their childhood ideals. Looking back after many years, the dreams at that time were the purest. Unfortunately, when they filled out the volunteers for the college entrance examination, they lost their dreams.

  Communist Youth League@莫徐银:
  [Youth has dreams, live up to youth. ]
  Xu Yin politely replied:

  [Aspirations are far away, forge ahead. ]

  Before the start of freshman year, Heqi Sanatorium was finally fully completed.

  The grandfather and grandson picked an auspicious day and moved to a two-story single-family villa with an underground storage room and a garage. The village head's house is next door.

  Their house is located in the heart of the sanatorium, and not far behind the house is the sanatorium park.

  The park is very large, extending to the foot of Heqi Mountain, including two parts: the hot spring recuperation area and the forest recuperation area.

  The hot spring water pumped up from deep underground has been tested to be rich in a variety of beneficial minerals, and the publicity has attracted many local tourists.

  There are very few natural hot springs in the Mingcheng area, not to mention the forest healing forest bathing, which will double the harvest.

  After coming here, I feel that this villa is really good, with a good environment, good air, and many scenic spots around.

  In addition to hot springs and forest baths, there are flower gardens of all countries and green farms. After that, you can climb mountains and go up to the top of the mountain to drink the special cloud tea.

  So the part of the convalescent villas sold to the outside world became a hot commodity.

  Seeing the house prices go up and down, the villagers who didn't want a country house and took a house in a county town community regretted it so much that their hearts were bleeding.

  It used to be their home, and it was so cheap that they could get it at their fingertips, but now it has skyrocketed, and the house price is so high that they can't afford it.

  The village chief and his wife beamed with joy.

  They also almost listened to their youngest son's advice and chose a house in the county town community. Seeing that Xu Yin wanted a house here, they thought how lonely it would be if only their grandparents and grandchildren stayed here. I made up my mind and chose a set.

  For this reason, the youngest daughter-in-law had a bad time with them.

  It's all right now, let's turn to praise the two elders for their vision.

  What are you talking about bringing your children here to soak in hot springs and forest baths on weekends, and staying at home at night, which is equivalent to a free two-day tour.

  The village chief's family often felt that Xu Yin had good eyesight.

  (end of this chapter)

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